My Dear Wife,
We are still here at Tillinghast
and likely to stay here for some time, We are having
things fixed up in the best manner, We have got bunks
in our tents and we are now very comfortable, It begins
to seem like Albany, or as Albany did before we advanced.
It is very quiet here, not much passing, and very few
visitors, Our duties are not near as many as when we
were at Albany. There is not near as much excitement
either. Yesterday there was a salute of nine guns fired,
and all the flags on the forts raised at half mast, out
of respect to Gen Mansfield, who you will remember
was killed in one of the late battles, The flag at Ft Craig
I notice is at half mast to-day, in respect for the death
of Lieut Carroll of Co B. who died of fever yesterday.
I think that I shall send to you for a bed sack sometime.
I want you to see what the cost will be per yard, for something
not very heavy, say about the same that checked shirts are
made of, My bunk mate says he will pay for the material
if I will get it made, I took up with the offer at once,
Will you ask Wm what he can get me a good pair of heavy
[page 2]
and tap soles on them
Calf skin boots, for, double
size 8, full, I want very stout Calf skin, or something as
good. If he cant attend to them ask your Father if he
will, I was in hopes that we should have been paid
off before this time, we have been expecting the pay-
master these two weeks, there was a report that we
were to be paid off this week, I hope it may be so
for some of the boys need the money very much.
I begin to think that we shant get any pay
now untill four months are due us, such is often the
case in other regiments, We are haeing quite an easy
time of it this week, we hav'nt had any heavy artillery
drill, because, the cannons are being painted, the
iron ones I mean, We have a little fatigue work to do,
and a dress parade at five oclk P.M. which lasts about
fifteen minutes, some half dozen of my mess have
gone to see if they can find some apples today, they will
probably go ten
any, but we are apple hungry, and will have them if it
be be possible to get them, If your Father had out here,
what apples he raised year before last he could get, to
say the least two hundred dollars for them,
[page 3]
Wednesday eve 24th
I have just received yours of the 22d. I am very much
obliged to you for it, just such a letter as I like,
Those shirts you need not hurry about mak
can get along very well without them for a month or
two, I have two good army shirts, and two pairs of drawers.
If I had woolen shirts I should not wear them at present
Our army shirts are more than half wool, About the Cherry
Rum, or Brandy, I dont think I shall have any use for
them, as the weather is geting a little cooler, and I dont
think it worth while to bother with them, I am glad to know
that you have put some composstion[sic] in Perkins' box, it
will no doubt do me or some one much good, I take a little
red pepper most every day, and think it does me good.
Please let me know, just how much the Flannel shirts are worth
the work and all, perhaps I can sell them and make some
thing for you, if you want me to, and you may have the
money. Tell Mary Ann I am very much obliged to her for her
picture, I think it the best one that she ever had taken
The Tobacco I am thankfull for when I get it, The Tea
will be the most welcome article, A great many of us dont
pretend to drink the stuff they make for coffee, morn and night.
[page 4]
I received three postage stamps,thank you, To-day has
been rainy, but it has now cleared away very pleasant and
cool, we shall have the coolest night of the season,
The hot weather is now about over, soon the rainy
season will begin, we have got a stove, that we shall
put up in our tent, so that we can have a fire when
we need one, we can also make our tea, and cook any
little thing that we want to,--I cant think of any
thing else to write to-night that will interest you
and I dont think that what I have written will be
interesting to you, but it is the best I can do at
present, the fact is there is nothing to write about here,
I am very glad to hear that Sissy has got well again
how I should like to see the little rogue, I dont think
I should hardly know her, but it would not take me long
to find out who she was, I dont think she would know
me at any rate, You and Ernie I suppose are well
or else you would have said so, I am glad that you
are well and hope you may continue so,
Hopeing to be with you ere long and wishing you
good health and much happiness, I remain as
ever your true and loveing husband,--
Give love to Father & Mother, and kisses to our
darlings, from papa, receive the same for yourself
Robert, from Lynn, Massachusetts, an unidentified soldier in Co. M, 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
MSS 1242
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