Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1862 post August 30 Headquarters 3rd Brigade

                             Head Quarters  3d Brigade
Capt Fry  A A A Genl
    To Brig Genl J. L. Kemper comdng Division
I have the honor to submit respectfully the fol-
lowing report of the action of this Brigade in
the Battle of Manassas Augt 30th 1862
  After changing position several times during
the day at about 3 1/2 or 4 oclock P.M. I formed
the Brigade into line of Battle near the
house of Wm Lewis Esqr. at right angles with
the turnpike and was ordered into the
action (already begun) on the right of
Genl Hoods Division--The Brigade charged
in line of battle in beautiful style through
two pieces of wood separated by a corn-
field without meeting the enemy  On
emerging from the second piece of wood
we came upon the Enemy on  both sides
of the Chinn House--the position of the
Brigade in the general line of Battle
threw me on the South side of the Chinn
House--the left of the Brigade just touch-
ing it--The force of the Enemy was not
strong on the South side of this house &
it was soon scattered and driven before
us with great rapidity

[page 2]
The ardor of the troops at this time was very
great and I found some difficulty in
holding them well in hand
Having routed the enemy in front and ob
serving that he was strongly posted in large
numbers on the north side the Chinn House
to my left 
^and a little in my rear I found a change
of front was necessary--I ordered a march
by the left flank and by file left so as to
front this second body of the enemy from
whom we were receiving a very heavy
fire of musketry & shell--as soon as this
movement was entered upon by the whole
Brigade I placed myself at the head
of the Column (the left of the 56th Regt) so as
to conduct into proper position --The fire
of the  Enemy guns at this time was
most destructive--Notwithstanding this
fire which we could not return the
Brigade was executing the change
of front with great coolness and gallantry
When Col Allen of the 28th Regt without
my knowledge ordered his Regt to halt as
stated in his report. This caused a separation
of the Brigade and created some confusion
in the ranks of all the Regiments
The Brigade was somewhat scattered in

[page 3]
consequence but soon after pushed forward
with great intrepidity, assisted in taking
the batteries in our front and in driving
the Enemy from his position--The
Brigade continued to fight till night
fall.  No Enemy being then in our
immediate front and having suffered
heavily I retired to collect those of
the command who had been scattered.
The officers and men for the most part
exhibited unusual spirit and daring and
but for the confusion created in chan=
ging front would have made the most
splendid fight
  I am greatly indebted to my staff officers
for their efficient air and gallantry
Capt Jones 18th Va Regt A.a.a. Genl and Lieut Jas.
McIntire acting Aid  de camp, Charles F Linthi
cum chaplain of the 8 Va Regt and  [space] Jar-
main volunteer aid all acted with great
coolness and bravery--Mr Linthicums horse
was killed under him while rallying some
troops--For special instances of good
conduct in the Brigade reference is
made to accompanying Reg.l reports
The loss of the Brigade (which carried
into the fight   [space] guns) was

[page 4]
Twenty two (22) Killed Two Hundred and
two (202) wounded and one missing
Col Stuart of the 56th Col Allen of 28th
Lieut Col Carrington of the 18th and Lieut
Col Gantt of the 19th Regts were all slight=
ly wounded--Col Strange of 19th had
his horse wounded under him
  Capt Eshlemans Battery Washington
Artillery attached to this Brigade was by
                        during this fight
order detached ^ and fought almost
altogether out of my sight.  I can
therefore only refer to his report here
with for the part he took on that mem-
orable battle field--All who witnessed his
conduct on that day bear testimony
to his judgment coolness and bravery
  Reference is made to accompanying
reports for a list of casualties of Each
Regt--which have also been heretofore
specially reported
  All of which is Resptfully submitted
                 Eppa Hunton
                     Col Comd.ng.  Brigade

MSS 4021

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