[letter of Josiah Perry, of Co. K., 33rd Massachusetts to his wife Phebe, begun on the 27th continues]
Sunday 28 Since
writing the above I have recieved
yours and as you seem to be in
a little trouble I will try to
help you out: And first about
the box You need not worry
about that at all I can get along
very well: I shall enclose an
order to Chas Winship for a pair
of stout boots and when he sends
them you can send my things
in the box you need not send
my Patent leather boots:at all you
may send me some pepper either
black or red. There are a number
of pairs of boots coming out here
and they will probaly[sic] send a box
or barrel Winship or Hixons can
tell you when it will be sent
We shall probabley remain here
[page 4]
for the present - cannot tell certainly
about the other matter you must
act your own pleasure If you think
you can enjoy yourself better in Prov
go and if not stay where you are
doubtless there will be some unpleasant
things about going to Providence and
I do not wish to persuade you in this
matter do just as you wish to: As soon
as we are paid off I will send you the
money and you will be able to pay your
expenses in either place. I do not wish
you to be dependent on anyone: nor to
feel so either: I cannot of course look
into the future but many of our officers
think that the next 6 weeks will end
the rebellion The rebels have got their death
blow, but how long it will take them
to die remains to be seen there will
probaly be some hard fighting yet but
their days are numbered The flower
of their army lies dead on the banks of
the Potomac and in it: and if they fight
now it is for life they have nothing to
hope for this is what we think about
it we may or may not be right it is
very difficult to judge You will find
it hard work to read this as I have
spilled my ink all over it but you
may be able to make it out: You
write that the troops about here are
not satisfied with the Presidents
Proclamation that is news to me. on
the contrary I think it gives great
satisfaction. When men get face to
[page 5]
face with the rebels and find out
what they are, they do not feel as
friendly towards them as they did
at home. If It was left to our
Regiment, to day, they would burn
this citty before it was a day
older The lines are sharply drawn
here and there is no friendship be
tween the two I wish it was
so at the north. You write about
the Crippled Brigade. Or those
men I have nothing to say: If in
the Old Bay State there lives a
man who shrinks from his
duty in a time like this: let
him stay home. We want men
here and could not make any
use of cowards if we had a mile
square of them: When this war
is ended they will be remmem
bered and despised to. I Pitty
them sincerely. Of news there
is nothing of interest to write
[page 6]
You will probaly hear of another
fight before long that is if there
is any fight left in the rebels our
army will push them to the wall
Col. Maggi ways we shall turn
them end over end before winter
he is very sanguine and says we
have got the rebels at last. It
remains to be seen. You will
give this order to Mr Winship
and when the boots are sent you
can send the things. I should
like to have the cheese first
rate. Do not work to hard and
do not worry about me. God will
take care of us if only we are faithful
in doing our duty: Yours always
Josiah Perry, Co. K, 33rd Massachusetts
MSS 2215
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