Thursday, September 27, 2012

1862 September 28 Caroline County, Va.

Caroline County Va September 18th 1862

Dear Sister
                  I seat myself this morning to
inform you that I am well hopeing these few
lines will fine you all well. but I am
sorry indeede to inform you that I
got nun of my clothing but my overcoat
but I hate it more on your account than
my one for I know you hate it worse than
I do tell James that I got his shugar.
I have bought me a coat that will do this
winter and maby I can draw other clothing
that will do me this winter but if you
have any chance I would like to have some
socks I know you all are hard run for
clothing for you have so man to clothe
my clothing was stolen on the cars between
abingdon & Lynchburg.  I would like to have a
hat get mister hunt make me a hat an send it
the first chance I would like to have a pair of
boots but they are so high I will make out
without them.  I have a pair of gloves that will
do me this winter and I have shirts and slips
enough tell uncle Vincent that I have a num
ber one six shuter and moles[molds?] that I will
send him the first chance

[page 2]
Tell ma & pa that I hate the loss of my
clothing more on their account than I do
on mine for I know they hate it worse
than I do although I need the clothing
Martha I got your two last letters I would
have writen sooner but we have been on picket
Seven days the yankees are on our side of the
river and we are on the other but we have orders
not to fire on each other.  Martha you said
you would had been writing something that
you would like for me to hear write it again
and maby I will get it.  Martha pleas excuse
my bad writing spelling and mistakes
I will write soon again So nothing more
at present but remain your brother
                                     W.R. Gilmer

William Rives Gilmer, Co. I, 37th Virginia

MSS 5194

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