Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1862 September 27 Camp Chase, Arlington Heights

                                                 Arlington Hights Sept 26
                                                 Camp Chase, - Friday Eve
Dear Brother George
                                       I haven’t much
to do this evening and every thing
is quiet so I may as well write
home again     Our Company has
gone to guard long bridge, to-
night and as I dident feel much
like walking down there I got
excused     I am rather tired this
evening as we have been out almost
all day on another “blamed”
Review and there was a pretty
long string of troops together I
tell you about 15,000 besides –

Artillery but I have had about
enough of Reviews          It’s too
hard work to be fun     we have
to carry our arms in one position
so long and it was dreadful
hot to day – I received Helen’s
letter this afternoon also a Press
and Sunday Times from Chas
     Aaron’s box arrived yesterday
together with my ration box     every
thing was all serene, except
some eggs that they sent Aaron
they were rather the worse for
wear        I judged and I fancy I
can smell them yet – the
ginger cakes were all right and
very good.     Tell Helen that she
may make me some mittens
if she wants to but I am in no
hurry for them -  a-la [Here is drawn a sketch of a mitten.]

            I am glad to hear that
they are fixing the road in front

of the house, - but don’t see
the use of cutting down that
large tree        I should just tell
them “woodman spare them
fellers”..        How do you like
the new teacher that is boarding
at our house        I think that is
a good idea as she will be
company for Helen..
                                       Every thing is nice –
and cozy under canvas and
perhaps you would like to know
how things look inside – well
the tent is about 8 feet square,
and 8 high [Sketch of tent is inserted.] along the back of
the tent all our knapsacks are put
and serve as pillows then we spread
down our rubber blankets then our
overcoats and put our wollen blankets
over us (that is a[t] night) in the day
time we put them on the top of
the tent to air or else fold them
up nicely on our knapsacks    our guns

are all put in a rack in the back
of the tent, - then we have got
a shelf in the top of it for our
crate and hats – they take up
an awful sight of room
besides we have got a bench
that we use as a seat or table
just as it happens, - we have got
our floor again the Q.M. brought
them all over yesterday and we
have got it all down in good shape
        We get along very well at
present with only 4 of us
but it is rather piled up with
6. Tell Helen she need not
think of sending those “gum boots”
of mine as I should only throw
them away     I would get me some
slippers here only I cant spare
the money – my slippers I guess
you will find under Biddy’s
hoops but you had better let
them stay there – they are safe

[The following part of this letter is written in the margin on page one.]
About Lieut Thompson
he is sick now but has
not been but a day or two
he was carried to the
Hospital tent this evening
has got chills & fever
     Will Catlin is well
and all right has gone
to the bridge –
     Tell Helen that I
know Capt Peck well
but can’t make out
who inquired about
him, must stop now
for the drums are –
beating tattoo – will
write again Sunday
         Yours   Jim

James H. Howard, 15th Conncecticut

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 12668

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