Sunday, September 30, 2012

1862 September 30 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Tuesday 30. Not a rumor of any kind from
the army--News from Kentucky recd says
it too probable that Buell has
gotten to Louisville which he is
fortifying strongly.  With the im-
mence force we have in Kentucky
one would think this ought to
have been prevented.  There seems to
be wanting enterprize among the
generals--Oh for one day[?] of Jackson
This being last of the quarter, we
had the usual count.  It is always
a day of excitement and fatigue
all was found right--At  night
Charles & Sue came over, and by the
Orange train Lanty arrived.  He looks
remarkably well though weather bea
ten and roughened.  He has been de-
tained for duty in the office of the
Medical Director. I dont
like it much--but he requires some re-
laxation--Mary Gwatkin was
here--so that it was a family re-
union--It has been a long time since
three of the Boys were in the
home at once--Staige Davis was
also in here returning from his
trip to Tennessee--In the course
of the evening Drs. Minor, Latham
& Houston called--We lodged besides
the ordinary family no less than
eight--went to bed much fatigued.

MSS 4763

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