Saturday, September 22, 2012

1862 September 22 Martinsburg, Va.

 "Boydville" residence of C. J. Faulkkner, Esq
                                    Monday Sep 22/62

Wm M. Blackford Esqr
                   My Dear Father
                                             I wrote
to you yesterday week a few lines from
this town announcing my health and
safety, as well as my being here with
my gun on detached service. On Saturday
the 18th we were separated from the
Battery and Division and have not been
with them since.  This is the reason
I have not yet been able to get off
to join Dr. Cabell in accordance with
the detail and order from the War Dept.
I wrote to him a week ago stating my
acceptance of the detail and intention
to present myself for its fulfilment as soon
as I could get with my company & Division
again and go get the papers necessary for my leaving them

[page 2]
There is now a speedy prospect of my
being able to arrange the whole matter
and get off as the corps is within
a few miles of Martinsburg as I shall
probably be able to communicate with
them very soon.  I will tell you at
length when I see you the motives
influencing my choice in accepting
this detail, which I have not deter-
mined to do without great hesitation
and due deliberation.
  I have seen a good deal of bro.
Wm. lately. I supped with him and
Gen. Stuart in Md. Friday night and dined
with him at Rev. Wm. Hanson's here yes=
terday.  He is in good health & spirits
and is very anxious Sister Mary should
know it and beggs me to ask you to
telegraph her of this immediately upon
receipt of this letter.  We find it
difficult to send letters to Dixie and
in order to make matters sure he told me
to write for him the first chance I had

[page 3]
I am dining to day at the hospitable
house of Mr Faulkner, where an opportu-
nity to send a letter has presented itself.
The family beg that you will let Mrs.
Flood (née Faulkner) know of their good
health etc., if she is at her father-
in-law's, our neighbour's.  Please see that
this is attended to.   Abram War
wick is dining here to day too.  He will
be grateful to you to let his friends
know of his health and safety.  Mary
Isabella will charge herself with this
commission, perhaps, and immediately
let Miss Carrie know of it.
  We have made 3 district expeditions
from here since we were detached from
the battery:  one on Saturday the 13th, a
nother on Tuesday 16th, and the third
on Friday to Williamsport Md. whcnce we
did not return until yesterday afternoon
We went up there-an expedition of cavalry,
                a small force only
infantry & artillery ^- to make a [diversion?]
then retire.  We accomplished the object and re
turned Saturday night across the river.

[page 4]
We had skirmishing all day Saturday
and were in a very exposed position
though but little under fire.  We fired
a great deal and had a dangerous,
anxious and laborious day of it.
Will you ask bro. Charles to attend
to my Life Assurance for me; i.e. to
pay the rate on the policy expiring
on the last of August--the other can
wait for my return I suppose.  It has
already expired, unfortunately; a great
omission on my part, which should be
remedied as soon as possible.  Nothing
but the distractions of the campaign wd.
have made me forget it.  If he is not
in town will you please try to see to
it for me; I have been very unhappy
about it, particularly when in danger.  I
would have plenty of money to pay it all
now myself if I could ever get the pay due
me--now 8 mos. in arrears. (This is the fault
of the govt. or scarcity of money)  The pay-rolls of
our co. have been lost and thus payment delayed.
My love to all at home.  The people
here shew us the utmost kindness.  Martinsburg
bears the palm for hospitality to C.S. soldiers.
I have never recd. as much any where whatever
                Yours affectionately
                              L. M. Blackford

MSS 5088

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