Friday, September 28, 2012

1862 September 29 Richmond, Va.

Richmond Sept. 29th 1862.

His Excellency John Letcher
       Governor of Virginia.
                     You may recollect
that about one year ago Brig-
Genl. then Col. Jno. Echols addres-
sed to you a letter recommend-
ding me for promotion in
the Provisional Army of Va. for
"gallant & meritorious conduct"
in the battle of Manassas.
    You expressed regret that you
were unable to confer that
honor as the Provisional Army
of the State was soon to be disban-
ded, but transferred the testimo-
nial to the War Department of
the Confederacy accompanying
it by your own very kind
and war recommdation[sic]
   The Secretary of War upon
receiving the papers tendered
me the appointment of 2nd Lieut.

[page 2]
in the regular C.S. Army, but
not being of age I was compel-
led to decline, and there being
no other vacancy, not farther
action was taken in the
  I am again about
to apply to the President for
promotion from the rank of
1st Lieut. & Adjutant (a posi-
tion not in the regular line
of advancement) and presum-
ming upon your former favor-
able consideration I venture
to request that yo will
again oblige me by your
personal recommendation.
  I have just returned woun-
ded from the battlefield of
Boonsboro, and hence my
absence from my Command.
  As a voucher of my good
conduct since my credentials
from Gen. Echols were pre-
sented to you, I accompany
this le communication with
a letter from Lt.Col. Lang-
horne of my regiment,

[page 3]
the only prominent officer
of my command acces-
sible at this time.
    With high regard
        I am
   Very Respectfully
  John W. Daniel
 1st Lt. & Adjutant
   11th Regmt. Va. Vols,

[page 4]
[Note apparently written by Governor Letcher:]
Lt. J. W. Daniel
asking recom-
mendation for promotion;
cheerfully giv-
en, and sent to
the Sec. of War
Octo 3rd J. L.

[transcribed by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 15096

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