Saturday, September 1, 2012

1862 September 2 Staunton, Va.

[from the diary of Joseph Addison Waddell, civilian employee of the Quartermaster Dept.]

Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1862
The cars did not come in till about dark last evening. They brought rumors, but no reliable intelligence. This morning, however, I learned that A H H Stuart had received a dispatch from J. B. Baldwin, who is in Richmond, stating that Gen. Lee telegraphed that we gained a decisive victory over the combined forces of McClelland + Pope, near Manassas, on Saturday. It is rumored that one-third of Ewell's division was killed and wounded in the battle of Friday. So far we have the good news of Saturday's fight, but we rejoice with trembling, not knowing who are among the slain.
Afternoon. — Charley Arnall arrived just before dinner time, having left the army Friday morning. He was wounded in the shoulder, on Thursday. At that time our army had got between the enemy and Washington, and there was no communication with Gordonsville. He, of course, had no personal knowledge of what occurred later than Thursday. Represents our loss on that day as very heavy. Jack Doye + Preston Byers of this place killed. The former, poor fellow! said, as he was leaving home the last time, if he knew he would not be in another battle he would be perfectly happy. So many persons crowding around C. A. — women + others enquiring for friends — that I could get little out of him.
This afternoon the following telegraphic dispatch was received: "A complete and thorough rout of Pope, Burnside and McClelland. The enemy fleeing towards Leesburg in utter rout. Sickles killed. Pope and McDowell mortally wounded. More than fifty pieces of artillery already captured — our troops pressing. Botts, Rowan and Nadenbush" [officers of the 2nd Va Reg] "wounded. Siegel also killed." Signed, "G. W. T. Kersley, Maj. +c"

[transcript by the Valley of the Shadow Project]

MSS 38-258

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