Saturday, September 1, 2012

1862 September 2 Hopewell, Ala.

Hopewell Sept 2nd/62

My Dear master

I Again take my seat to let
you hear from me.  We have
not received any letter from you
for some time but I was glad to
learn through Mr. Joe Bunden that
you were well.
We have had sickness here every
day for two months. we have had
some very sick people.  we have
five sick at this time.  Carter
Chaptman, Howell, Martha
and Betsey.  they are now recovering.  they have a
sickly time at New Hope also.
Mr. Dowell was down here
here last week and wrote
to you from this place.
he was very well sattisfied
with things here.

[page 2]
I am geting along but slow
with my weaveing. I have had
so many sick people to attend to
that I have had but little time
to weave, and unless the people
are soon restored to health I do
not know when I will be able
to provide winter clothing
for them.  We have been haveing
Showers of rain for three or four
days. and it s quite cloudy to
day.  I think that we are going to
have quite a rainy spell.
I have not seen Mrs Averys
Family lately, but I learn that
they are well--Mr Bordens
Family well also--Mrs Withers
has moved to Greens home to
live.  Give my love [to] Binthier
and to My Brother William. also to
master Charles if he is at home.
I am as ever your Servant.  L.S.

Lucy Skipwith, trusted slave of General John Hartwell Cocke, reported to him monthly on events at his Hopewell plantation.  She had been offered emancipation on the untenable condition that she emigrate to Liberia. She chose to remain with her family in this country and did what she could to alleviate conditions for her fellow slaves.

MSS 640

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