Thursday, September 13, 2012

1862 September 14 "Bremo," Fluvanna County, Va.

Died at Low[er] Bremo Sept. 14th 1862, My old faithful House
servt Ned in the sixty 3 year of his age. a man of as exempl[ar]y
character as I ever met with in my long life--in early manhood
he became the chief confidential servant of my Household--and con
-tinued to occupy that station until his late illness which com-
menced a few weeks before his death--nor do I recollect in
the whole course of his life, that he was ever absent from his
duties by a single spell of sickness for more than a day--
Such was his established character for honesty & trustfulness, as
justly to rank him with any man of the highest standing in my
community for these christian virtues--nay! to rank him with
the highest stile of man--for he was a christian in deed--
His religion was of the purest character of primitive simplicity
he was a Baptist because he thought the balance of Scripture testi-
mony was in favor of Christs baptism by immersion--but he held
equal fellowship with all, whether Methodist, Presbyterian or Episcopalian
who proffered repentance towards God & faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ--and whose walk & conversation sustained their profession--
in short, he was a simple & humble christian after the Model of Christ--
he prayed more manifestly in the Spirit at all times, than any
one I ever listened to--in time when all professing Christians shall be
like Ned--Christ Kingdom on Earth- will have come- a full answer to

[page 2]
the prayer taught us by the Lord Himself--J[ohn] H[artwell] Cocke

[retained draft of an obituary for his slave]

MSS 640

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