Dear Father
We were paid off
this morning I rec'd $40.00
and will send $35.00
thirty five Dollars to you
Mr Alf Long a member
of Co G will carry all of
our money. he starts
for Ashland tomorrow
morning. he formerly lived
there. He will leave
all the money at the
bank in Ashland where
you can get it
Go down and see him
you will find him at
the McNulty House he
will stop there some
Tell mother to send me
[page 2]
a couple pairs of
stockings send them
with Long or any other
one comeing here. the ones
I now have are worn out
and the ones we draw
are worthless
How are money matters?
what is the prospect for
wool? How many sheep
are you shearing?
How do the boys do?
Alex says should we
get home by the first of
Sept. we can put up
the house. get the stones
for the wall hauled
also logs to the mill
this is however rather
premature as I suppose it
uncertain whether we
will get home before
winter or even then
[page 3]
We get quite late
telegraphic news here
but very few papers
we have heard of
McClellans fight near
Richmond on Saturday
& Sunday last
also of the evacuation
of Corinth
Write soon
Yours Truly
J. D. Templeton
James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio
MSS 10317
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