Friday, June 29, 2012

1862 June 30 Lynchburg,Va.

[fromthe diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat, with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Monday 30  A letter from Eugene which I ought
to have had last evening, dated 2 P.M.
Saturday on the first of the battle assured us
of his safety and of Williams the latter
rode up to Eugene when they were under
a heavy fire for which purpose as not sta-
ted, or in what capacity he was along
He says his regt and another stormed
the battery and turned the guns on the ene-
my--that nothing could exceed the valor
of our troops & that the 5th will be heard
of, if justice be done.  He was separated
fromthe regiment and supposed to be captured
--but he captured 13 of the enemy & after
sleeping with them in the Swamps, brought
them in next day.  He says a brigade of
2300 yankees voluntarily surren-
dered Saturday morg--Had a more 
laborous duty in counting --this long
quarter day.  I have on hand nearly
$800,00--three times as much as
I ever had before--another despatch
announcing all the Blackfords safe
--very much indisposed. Fanny Minor
-Charles' wife-came in the evening
from Edgewood, Charles she says is about
to receive an appointment of com-
missary & qrtermaster on Gen Pendleton's
staff with rank of captain.

MSS 4763

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