Sunday, June 24, 2012

1862 June 25 Fair Oaks, Va.

Va Fair Oaks June 25th 1862
Dear Father  I receivd yours of the 18th this morning informing
me that you had received that 15 dollars
which I have been waiting to hear from ever since I sent it some of
the Boys received an answer from thiers A week Ago I was beginning
to think that you would not get it, in my first one to you I forgot to
tell you that the money was going to be sent to Mr Harris we are now
under arms as the Army is advancing further towards Richmond
there is not much musketry going on but there is heavy cannonading
the Divisions that are advancing Kearneys & Caseys & the Lincoln
Cavalry have Just passed our Camp the whole Army is in Arms we are
in the center of the Army I cannot write any more but thought I
would write these few lines to let you know that you know that we
were under arms I am well & enjoying good health from your Son
I received these four Stamps & one Portland Advertiser once in A while
I receive A paper but I want you to send them & send the stamps how
you thnk best we cannot get not any stamps out here as well as w
could at Camp Franklin  [Joseph]

 [ Letters of Joseph Leavitt of the 5th Maine and his brother George Leavitt of the 5th New York were copied by their father John in the fall of 1865 as a remembrance of his sons who were both mortally wounded in the war, George at 2nd Bull Run and Joseph at Chancellorsville]

MSS 66

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