Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1862 June 27 near Richmond, Va.

[from the diary of Sgt. Z. Lee Gilmer of the Albemarle Rifles,  Co. B. of the 19th Virginia]

27th June
    As soon as we could see I
saw long black lines of troops
stretching from hill to hill
from woods to woods & in Brigade
after Brigade they slowly but
surely advanced down the river to
the field of carnage Sweping[?]
that cowardly foe before our
impenitrable ranks leaving
the ded & wounded behind. This
I thought was the most sublime
sight I have ever witnessed. But
before the fireing was very warm
here at McCanicsville this morn
[hole in paper]  the Federals soon gave way & we
poreing a warm fire into them
as they skedaddled before us, for
we had driven them from the bridge
from McKanicsksville & from many
brestworks which our men advanced
upon in the most perfect order
& bravest manner.  In this way we
were closley pressing them through
the day fireing upon them all
the time until about one or two
oclock when I entered the battle of
Just before going in to that
dredful fight we saw Old Jackson
pass on our left going to
the rear of the enemy at this
time we were resting at Gains
dwelling here I laid down &
got a short [s]leep.  But about 2
O'Clock we made the attack on
the enemy right wing where
we found them strongly intren
ched in the woods.  we charged
upon their works they in the
woods & we in the fair open
field, we charged until within
150 yds of their works when
we stood & fired very severe &
a most heavey fire was pored
into us, for Pofers[sic] Division here
was strongely intrenched--Our
men here fell thick & fast
but stood as firm as the
rock of ages, here fell Gen
Pickett my major & many
brave & gallant officers.  soon
we were ordered to charge & drove
the enemy from their behind
their works.  here my Brigade
was relieved & I entered the
fight with Pryors (Roger A)
& in advancing across the field
in a very short distance not more
than 80 yards from their battery
& a very severe fire, I received my
wound which the Surgeon's
pronounced mortal for two days
It was just dark when I received
my wound.  I was then borne
to the field officer Hospital
where I remained until the
next day

[although dated the 27th, Gilmer's diary appears to have been written some days to weeks later]

MSS 4459


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