Oxford Miss Jun 29/62
My Dear Sir [General John Hartwell Cocke]
when the yankees took pos-
session of our city I was forced to leave
I had previously placed my children
with a relation 150 miles above the
city & 10 miles back from the river
on a bayou I trust they may be
safe there--of course I cannot hear
from them, as the enemy has pos-
session of the whole country about
there & we can have no mails from
them. I am up here busy getting up
an independent company to operate
on the miss river I hop to make
the navigation exciting enough to be
pleasant at least
We are all listening with the most
intense eagerness for news from
the armies before Richmond
Let us trust that a merciful God
will defend the right--
[page 2]
I am inclined to think now
that there will be no great and
decisive battle between Halleck
& Beauregards armies, as it is
said that heavy detachments from
each army has been made to
the armies before Richmond
so that the fate of the campaign
will be decided then. If we gain
the lost ground here will soon be
recovered-if we lose we must
fight them in detail
---fear this continued excitement
will wear upon you seriously
May our merciful Saviour sus-
tain you in any want
Can you not drop me a line
here as I shall be here occasional-
Yours very truly
P.H. Skipwith
MSS 640
Letters and diary entries from the corresponding day in the Civil War posted from the holdings of Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.
Friday, June 29, 2012
1862 June 30 Alexandria, Va.
[from the war journal of George Hazen Dana as he later compiled it from letters and diary entries]
June 30th 1862.
We have just come down from Cloud’s Mills, and embark soon
(I believe) for the position before Richmond, although the
Colonel himself is not sure. I am writing this on
a box on the wharf – not a very comfortable position –
and my hand is very unsteady after our march in
the heat of the day.
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 1530
1862 June 30 Richmond, Va.
Richmond, June 30th 1862
Monday Morning
My dear Miss Mary
I enclose to you $5. can
you lay it out for me in marketing
to any advantage, & send it down to me
next time the boy comes--this week, if
possible. the whole city is crowded with
the wounded & the many friends flocking
here to attend to them, & it is almost impos-
sible to get things for the table. Dr Huge has
so much company too--almost every meal
some one. I try my best to plan & economise,
but find it difficult. Can you send me
any new potatoes--beets or snap beans--they
would keep a few days---or any eggs--or 3 or
6 chickens. Almost anything you can
buy me will be acceptable.
Mr Huge is rather better than he was but
weak. We are in all the excitement of a
long continued battle. Yesterday was a day long
to be remembered. Many houses wore the
drapery of mourning--& the poor wounded
men comiing in at every house. May God soon
deliver us from our enemies
Your friend. E. H. Brown
MSS 2689
Monday Morning
My dear Miss Mary
I enclose to you $5. can
you lay it out for me in marketing
to any advantage, & send it down to me
next time the boy comes--this week, if
possible. the whole city is crowded with
the wounded & the many friends flocking
here to attend to them, & it is almost impos-
sible to get things for the table. Dr Huge has
so much company too--almost every meal
some one. I try my best to plan & economise,
but find it difficult. Can you send me
any new potatoes--beets or snap beans--they
would keep a few days---or any eggs--or 3 or
6 chickens. Almost anything you can
buy me will be acceptable.
Mr Huge is rather better than he was but
weak. We are in all the excitement of a
long continued battle. Yesterday was a day long
to be remembered. Many houses wore the
drapery of mourning--& the poor wounded
men comiing in at every house. May God soon
deliver us from our enemies
Your friend. E. H. Brown
MSS 2689
1862 June 30 near Richmond, Va.
June 30th 9 miles from
Richmond 6 A.M.
My Dear Father:
We camped or stayed
here last night in Yankee breast
works, having pursued McSellans’s
retreating forces so far. Should the
thing stop where it is now – we
have in effect & in fact ob-
tained a splendid victory. But
Lee seems to wish to annihilate
the Yankee army & is all around
them – The only difficulty is that
over extended lines may enable
to cut through, tho’ with heavy
[page 2]
loss at some point & escape.
We pursued him slowly, intention-
ally not pushing him until Jack-
son has with Walker fixed him-
self entirely on the other side. They
fought whenever we overtook
them - & there was skirmishing
all the way. Our Brigade was
3d from the front rank. But
just before sundown the infant-
ry portion of it was hotly engaged
with the Yanks for a short time.
The country does not admit
of much use of artillery to
a pursuing force. And the ar-
[page 3]
tiller attached to the front
brigade monopolized that, & a
heavy iron casemated gun on
a car on the R. R. pushed by
an engine. We are just on the R. Rd.
& have kept close by it all the
way. The quantity of
plunder left in our lines un-
destroyed is immense, tho’ the
Doodles burned & blew up
immense stores all the way,
not having time to burn any
that was separate from the
piles of stores all this scattered
fell into our hands. As for
the soldiers apparel, big coats
oil cloths, knap sacks &c &c
of splendid quality they are
[page 4]
immeasureable. Do not send
me paper. I have plenty of
Yankee paper & envelopes.
This is yankee on wh. I
All the prisoners I have
seen, save one, including
even officers seem de-
lighted at being cap-
tured & I have seen several
hundred. I only wrote [or ‘write’] to
save you from any un-
easiness. I have not time to
write anything of interest. I
had saved a great many
little trinkets as prizes, had
I had an opportunity to
send them home. Poor
General Griffith! soon
[page 5]
after we left camp yes-
terday had a part of his
thigh torn off by the frag-
ment of a Yankee shell.
Thus he was the first to suf-
fer in his iron brigade. I have
not heard from him since yes-
terday – his life was not then
despaired of. How sorry I am.
The movements of our lines
we can learn only by rumour.
Some one is about leaving
for camp. I must close as
I want this to reach you
as soon as possible. My dear-
[page 6]
est father farewell – may
heaven bless you & all.
Ever affly. yr. son
W. H. Perry, Jr.
P. S. Poor Genl. Griffith, he is
dead – I was about to close
when I heard it.
W. H. P.
William H. Perry, Jr;, of the Richmond Howitzers
[Brig. General Richard Griffith is wounded at the battle of Savage’s Station, June 29, 1862, and dies the next day.]
[transcript and annotation by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 7786-d
1862 June 30 Richmond, Va.
[from the diary of Daniel D. Logan, younger brother of General Thomas M. Logan, formerly a Sgt, Co. B, 1st Special Battalion (Rightor's), now with the Hampton Legion]
Monday –June 30th 1862
The Enemy are reported in full retreat today
Jackson has crossed the Chickahominy River
& with Magruder Hill & Longstreet pressing
their center & Holmes on our right are
pushing them before us, their rear guard made
a strong stand yesterday – I spent the morning in
the office & after dinner mounted Fanny to
overtake Genl Magruder & staff, taking the Wmsbg
& Charles City road overhauled them abt dusk
near the miles Sweeney’s tavern - Insmen [?]
had a hard fight abt two miles below &
we rode over the field after the Enemy had
retired & our forces hauled up on the bloody
field for the night resting after a hard days
fight & a desperate fight – Some of the staff
& myself rode to Sweeney’s Tavern & put up our
horses & selves for the night – sleeping in a deser
-ted parlor containing only a piano & a fine
one too – The firing toward dark was terribly
loud – Our forces captured 18 pcs artillery this
[The following lines are cross-written over the above page.]
Evening spiked & left by the Enemy today – After a ride of abt 18 miles
we slept for the night right soundly –first paying off
those of the staff who were with me for this month – Our
Army & the Enemy’s rear ground are within
two miles of Each other tonight! The occasional
firing of the pickets can be distinctly heard from
our resting place – The slaughter of the Yankees
this Evening was terrible – they had a good
position for their artilery & used it with
some effect – shells were bursting all
round us –
[The Sweeney family operated a famous pottery and a small
hotel/tavern not far from the intersection of the River Road
(modern Route 5) and the Long Bridge Road. In fact, General Magruder
used one of the Sweeney boys as his guide during the operations
on July 1st. ]
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards, commentary by Robert E. Lee Krick]
MSS 6154
1862 June 30 before Richmond,Va.
[from the diary of Jonathan B. Hager of the 14th U.S. Regulars as copied and annotated by him at a later time]
June 30 Up at 4 o'clock this morning. Our bagage and
company property was deposited at Savage Station
on the Richmond & York River Rail Road, as we
came by this station on Saturday night, we were
ordered to take from our Comany clerks the
last Muster-Roll of our respective Companies.
I also went to my bundle of bedding & took out
the cape of my overcoat. The rest an immense
pile of stuff was committed to the flames. I
lost a Mattress, Pillow, Overcoat, Cloak, a
Splendid large woollen shawl a fine bed-quilt
and all my company books & papers except the
muster roll. This was done in order to cut down
the transportation of the army, which up to
that time was immense. We feared to day that
our valises were also destroyed. It was very certain
we had nothing with us & we arose this morning
feeling very ragged & dirty & no water to wash in--
At 6 oclock A.M. we started for James River. It was
an immense army. about 1 P.M. our rear guard
was attacked, the firing was very heavy, at 2 PM.
the fire still continued very heavy & the attacking
force was driven back. Thus passed the hours
until 6 P.M. At this time the entire army except
the rear-guard had concentrated upon the
grand plateau of Malvern Hill. A host of
infantry & cavalry. Hundreds of great guns,
twenty five to fifty miles of wagons, ambulances
and all the ten thousand items that go to
make up the appliances of a great army--
At this hour the cannonading opened--The
entire artillery on both sides seemed engaged,
and for one hour the scene was indescribably
grand. The deafning noise of hundreds of
pieces of artillery. The bursting of shells in the
air; the air was filled almost to suffocation
with the smoke of gunpowder; the sun looked
lurid through the dense clouds of smoke. The
scene was beyound anything I have heard before
or since. It was worth all our trials and
privations to have been there. In this
affair our Gunboats also took part. They
were superb. Amid the hundreds of missiles
flying through the air, those of the gunboats
could be distinguished by their noise it
being much greater & the noise of the bursting
of the shells being vastly louder than field
pieces. The battle continued on our right till
nearly 10 oclock at night, when it ceased &
we were permitted to take some rest.
This was Muster day too---Several times we
had formed in column for that purpose--in the
morning, when the rebel shells would commence
flying in very close proximity to us. We would
wheel rapidly into line & prepare for an attack.
We finally succeeded in finishing our Muster.
Even though the rebels were determined we should not.
MSS 9044
June 30 Up at 4 o'clock this morning. Our bagage and
company property was deposited at Savage Station
on the Richmond & York River Rail Road, as we
came by this station on Saturday night, we were
ordered to take from our Comany clerks the
last Muster-Roll of our respective Companies.
I also went to my bundle of bedding & took out
the cape of my overcoat. The rest an immense
pile of stuff was committed to the flames. I
lost a Mattress, Pillow, Overcoat, Cloak, a
Splendid large woollen shawl a fine bed-quilt
and all my company books & papers except the
muster roll. This was done in order to cut down
the transportation of the army, which up to
that time was immense. We feared to day that
our valises were also destroyed. It was very certain
we had nothing with us & we arose this morning
feeling very ragged & dirty & no water to wash in--
At 6 oclock A.M. we started for James River. It was
an immense army. about 1 P.M. our rear guard
was attacked, the firing was very heavy, at 2 PM.
the fire still continued very heavy & the attacking
force was driven back. Thus passed the hours
until 6 P.M. At this time the entire army except
the rear-guard had concentrated upon the
grand plateau of Malvern Hill. A host of
infantry & cavalry. Hundreds of great guns,
twenty five to fifty miles of wagons, ambulances
and all the ten thousand items that go to
make up the appliances of a great army--
At this hour the cannonading opened--The
entire artillery on both sides seemed engaged,
and for one hour the scene was indescribably
grand. The deafning noise of hundreds of
pieces of artillery. The bursting of shells in the
air; the air was filled almost to suffocation
with the smoke of gunpowder; the sun looked
lurid through the dense clouds of smoke. The
scene was beyound anything I have heard before
or since. It was worth all our trials and
privations to have been there. In this
affair our Gunboats also took part. They
were superb. Amid the hundreds of missiles
flying through the air, those of the gunboats
could be distinguished by their noise it
being much greater & the noise of the bursting
of the shells being vastly louder than field
pieces. The battle continued on our right till
nearly 10 oclock at night, when it ceased &
we were permitted to take some rest.
This was Muster day too---Several times we
had formed in column for that purpose--in the
morning, when the rebel shells would commence
flying in very close proximity to us. We would
wheel rapidly into line & prepare for an attack.
We finally succeeded in finishing our Muster.
Even though the rebels were determined we should not.
MSS 9044
1862 June 30 Camp on Flat Top Mountain, Va.
[from the diary of Charles Hay of the 23rd Ohio]
Camp Jones, Flat Top Mtn., June 30th.
The month closes today, and with it half the
year of our Lord, 1862. Six months of time
fraught with great events in our distracted
country, hopeful ones, at first, seemingly; but
now, not so well. This period of time was
predicted to witness the close of this accursed
rebellion, but that period of peace appears as
far distant as it did six months ago.
The slow and cautious advance of McClellan
toward Richmond is looked upon with
almost breathless interest by the whole
country as though the downfall of Richmond,
that nest of treason, betokened the redemption
of our country. If McClellan is successful,
the effect will unquestionably be great.
But there are many almost insurmountable
obstacles in the way, and it is a matter of
regret that the young chieftain has many
opponents to his system, amongst those who
should be his warm advocates, but who suppose
their military knowledge obtained in a year, to be greater than
that of one who has made it a study how to fight.
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 13925
Camp Jones, Flat Top Mtn., June 30th.
The month closes today, and with it half the
year of our Lord, 1862. Six months of time
fraught with great events in our distracted
country, hopeful ones, at first, seemingly; but
now, not so well. This period of time was
predicted to witness the close of this accursed
rebellion, but that period of peace appears as
far distant as it did six months ago.
The slow and cautious advance of McClellan
toward Richmond is looked upon with
almost breathless interest by the whole
country as though the downfall of Richmond,
that nest of treason, betokened the redemption
of our country. If McClellan is successful,
the effect will unquestionably be great.
But there are many almost insurmountable
obstacles in the way, and it is a matter of
regret that the young chieftain has many
opponents to his system, amongst those who
should be his warm advocates, but who suppose
their military knowledge obtained in a year, to be greater than
that of one who has made it a study how to fight.
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 13925
1862 June 30 Lynchburg,Va.
[fromthe diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat, with five sons in the Confederate Army]
Monday 30 A letter from Eugene which I ought
to have had last evening, dated 2 P.M.
Saturday on the first of the battle assured us
of his safety and of Williams the latter
rode up to Eugene when they were under
a heavy fire for which purpose as not sta-
ted, or in what capacity he was along
He says his regt and another stormed
the battery and turned the guns on the ene-
my--that nothing could exceed the valor
of our troops & that the 5th will be heard
of, if justice be done. He was separated
fromthe regiment and supposed to be captured
--but he captured 13 of the enemy & after
sleeping with them in the Swamps, brought
them in next day. He says a brigade of
2300 yankees voluntarily surren-
dered Saturday morg--Had a more
laborous duty in counting --this long
quarter day. I have on hand nearly
$800,00--three times as much as
I ever had before--another despatch
announcing all the Blackfords safe
--very much indisposed. Fanny Minor
-Charles' wife-came in the evening
from Edgewood, Charles she says is about
to receive an appointment of com-
missary & qrtermaster on Gen Pendleton's
staff with rank of captain.
MSS 4763
Monday 30 A letter from Eugene which I ought
to have had last evening, dated 2 P.M.
Saturday on the first of the battle assured us
of his safety and of Williams the latter
rode up to Eugene when they were under
a heavy fire for which purpose as not sta-
ted, or in what capacity he was along
He says his regt and another stormed
the battery and turned the guns on the ene-
my--that nothing could exceed the valor
of our troops & that the 5th will be heard
of, if justice be done. He was separated
fromthe regiment and supposed to be captured
--but he captured 13 of the enemy & after
sleeping with them in the Swamps, brought
them in next day. He says a brigade of
2300 yankees voluntarily surren-
dered Saturday morg--Had a more
laborous duty in counting --this long
quarter day. I have on hand nearly
$800,00--three times as much as
I ever had before--another despatch
announcing all the Blackfords safe
--very much indisposed. Fanny Minor
-Charles' wife-came in the evening
from Edgewood, Charles she says is about
to receive an appointment of com-
missary & qrtermaster on Gen Pendleton's
staff with rank of captain.
MSS 4763
1862 June 30 Staunton, Va.
[from the diary of Joseph Addison Waddell, civilian employee of the Quartermaster Dept.]
Monday afternoon, June 30, 1862.
The battle near Richmond was continued on
yesterday. Cannonading distinctly heard in this
region. We have no details of the fight since
Friday, but telegraphic dispatches received to- day
state that the Federal army was retreating towards
James River. The reports are encouraging for our
side. Eight members of the Guard (from Staunton)
wounded, besides the Captain Burke. Three of the
Staunton Artillery reported killed — all strangers
to me. I sat up with Dr. Edmondson last
night, who died between 1 + 2 o'clock this morn-
ing. His family overwhelmed with grief. At
the same time these battles of his horrible war
are filling thousands of households with lamen-
tation. I had another swarm of bees yesterday,
and one to-day, making three from the same
hive this season. When I contrast my circum-
stances with those of many other people, how
much have I to thank Good God for. Yet how
do I repay Him for his goodness! I do desire
to draw near to the Lord Jesus, confessing all my
guilt, that I may find pardon and deliverance
from Sin. The bees have been a source of much
entertainment to me, and have, in part, sug-
gested these reflections.
[transcript by the Valley of the Shadow Project]
MSS 38-258
1862 June 30, Chapel Hill, N.C.
[from the diary of Eliza Oswald Hill, refugee from Wilmngton, N.C.]
Monday 30th It is very cool & pleasant to day after the rain last night & the
ladies have availed themselves of the pleasant morning to return
visits--Eliza has gone too. Mr. Fetter did not get off last night, he is to
leve in the Eleven OClock Hack. He called just now to bid us goodbye--
I received letters this morning --one from Liz & one from Cousin Lord--Eliza
Eliza got one two from A.J. Miller & The news from Richmond still cheering. Our troops
are carrying all before them--But I cannot hear what has happened of Tom or Mr
Mason--Kind Providence seems to be smiling on us again--& if God be for
us we need not fear what man can do with us--
Eliza: her daughter
Liz: her daughter in law, widow of her deceased son William, and daughter of N.C. governor John Branch
Tom: her son with Burt's Rifles, Co. K, 18th Mississippi
Mr. Mason: Eliza's fiancee James M. Mason
MSS 6960
Monday 30th It is very cool & pleasant to day after the rain last night & the
ladies have availed themselves of the pleasant morning to return
visits--Eliza has gone too. Mr. Fetter did not get off last night, he is to
leve in the Eleven OClock Hack. He called just now to bid us goodbye--
I received letters this morning --one from Liz & one from Cousin Lord--Eliza
Eliza got one two from A.J. Miller & The news from Richmond still cheering. Our troops
are carrying all before them--But I cannot hear what has happened of Tom or Mr
Mason--Kind Providence seems to be smiling on us again--& if God be for
us we need not fear what man can do with us--
Eliza: her daughter
Liz: her daughter in law, widow of her deceased son William, and daughter of N.C. governor John Branch
Tom: her son with Burt's Rifles, Co. K, 18th Mississippi
Mr. Mason: Eliza's fiancee James M. Mason
MSS 6960
1862 June 30 Fredericksburg, Va.
[from the diary of Dr. Brodie Strachan Herndon]
30th --Sisters Ann & Mary, Eliza little
Lucy & Matsy spent the day with us and
we enjoyed their pleasant Company.
Sister Ann talks of tryng to get to
Albemarle to see Mat & Dick who
went there last week from Richmond.
But she is poorly and there are diffi
culties--Matsy says he wishes
Brother could have been in the late battle
that we hear has been going on before
Richmond: he wants him to cover
himself with glory. We thank God
for the success that has crowned our
arms--if reports be true.
MSS 2563-b
30th --Sisters Ann & Mary, Eliza little
Lucy & Matsy spent the day with us and
we enjoyed their pleasant Company.
Sister Ann talks of tryng to get to
Albemarle to see Mat & Dick who
went there last week from Richmond.
But she is poorly and there are diffi
culties--Matsy says he wishes
Brother could have been in the late battle
that we hear has been going on before
Richmond: he wants him to cover
himself with glory. We thank God
for the success that has crowned our
arms--if reports be true.
MSS 2563-b
1862 June 30 Fauquier County, Va.
[from the daily journal of Anne Madison Willis Ambler]
Monday, July 30, 1862
I arose very early thinking I would get through all
my duties so that I might enjoy my letter. But
I was doomed to be disappointed about that letter.
I had set my heart too much on it & "it is ever
thus." Mr. Downs came back from Mr. Leonard's & said that
our letters had been sent to Mr. Beverly's. There was
one from bro Tom to mother. : Oh I never felt more
biterly disappointed in my life. I had waited with
all the patience I could command for a week &
I had no more. I could imagine you were dead.
There is such an awful silence about you. But
one great comfort I have I know you are wel attended
to & I must learn to bear without a murmur this
trying separation. I hope it may blessed unto
me & teach me many lessons.
Sis B and I rod to Cousin Tom's. G. Marshall...I was
very much pleased with the girls--am determined
I will go to see them oftener when I get back
to Clifton: They were very affectionate & kind--
We came back by Clifton to get some rose slips.
--got off our horses & walked along the lane to eat
raspberries-- How often have we walked there
together. That first winter we spent at Clifton,
I remember our waling up that way so often &
I would make Massie go too- for fear she might
be induced to do wrong in my absence-- How
I watched over her. I couldn't feel more uneasy
or try to act more conscientiously for my own child. God
grant me a better result for my labors.
[1972 transcript by Anne Madison Wright Baylor]
MSS 15406
Monday, July 30, 1862
I arose very early thinking I would get through all
my duties so that I might enjoy my letter. But
I was doomed to be disappointed about that letter.
I had set my heart too much on it & "it is ever
thus." Mr. Downs came back from Mr. Leonard's & said that
our letters had been sent to Mr. Beverly's. There was
one from bro Tom to mother. : Oh I never felt more
biterly disappointed in my life. I had waited with
all the patience I could command for a week &
I had no more. I could imagine you were dead.
There is such an awful silence about you. But
one great comfort I have I know you are wel attended
to & I must learn to bear without a murmur this
trying separation. I hope it may blessed unto
me & teach me many lessons.
Sis B and I rod to Cousin Tom's. G. Marshall...I was
very much pleased with the girls--am determined
I will go to see them oftener when I get back
to Clifton: They were very affectionate & kind--
We came back by Clifton to get some rose slips.
--got off our horses & walked along the lane to eat
raspberries-- How often have we walked there
together. That first winter we spent at Clifton,
I remember our waling up that way so often &
I would make Massie go too- for fear she might
be induced to do wrong in my absence-- How
I watched over her. I couldn't feel more uneasy
or try to act more conscientiously for my own child. God
grant me a better result for my labors.
[1972 transcript by Anne Madison Wright Baylor]
MSS 15406
1862 June 30 near Richmond, Va.
[fromthe diary of private Frank Fitzhugh of Cutshaw's Battery]
Monday 30
Crossed the battle field of yes-
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 4448
Monday 30
Crossed the battle field of yes-
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 4448
1862 June 30 Camp on Flat Top Mountain, Va.
[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, private and musician in the 23rd Ohio]
Monday, June 30, 1862
Was up Early this
morning and Cleaned
my horn Were mustered
and inspected at 8 oclock
were not obtained long
after that had Guard
mounting. Practiced
before & after noon
Parade but no drill
Play at Twilight
The boys have been
playing cards almost
constantly for some
time past have some
discussion about it but
Arthur told them they
must quit the abuse of it
Drizzley this morning
hazy but partly clear all
day, got package of
papers from home this eve
MSS 10317
Thursday, June 28, 2012
1862 June 29 "Clifton," Fauquier County, Va.
[from the daily journal of Anne Madison Willis Ambler]
Sunday 20th Though it was cloudy and Father though it might
rain, Sis B and I rode to Markham to attend services.
It did not rain and we had a delightful ride-
Mr. Duncan made a short address & in conclusion
referred to Turner's death in a touching manner--
Many present wept. Betsy was convulsed with
grief. I though I had never seen her look more
lovely. I would fall in love with her if I were a
man. I can't keep my eyes off of her. Mr. Duncan
rode home with us. We stopped in at Dr. Striblings
& Mr. D. had prayers for which the doctor expressed
much gratitude. It made me feel how near death is
to all of us, to see that poor old man lying weak &
feeble in his bed, would that we could be as ready to
die as he is when our time comes. Oh, to think that
one of us must leave the other sooner or later. I
cannot wish you grief but I feel that were you to
die I could not live. Oh, how little would life be
worth to me without you-- Could I ever smile again
- My heart would break...I would break.
Mr. Duncan, cousin John Mt. Blanc brother James all
dined here. I was only in the parlor a few
minutes after dinner. Spent the evening
nursing Jacque, trying to to[sic] read. Now
that all my "jewels" are asleep, I must
endeavour to make up for lost time-- No letter
yet. Still there is hope tomorrow may bring me a
letter. Goodnight, my love, goodnight...your devoted
[transcript from 1972 by granddaughter Anne Madison Wright Baylor]
MSS 15406
Sunday 20th Though it was cloudy and Father though it might
rain, Sis B and I rode to Markham to attend services.
It did not rain and we had a delightful ride-
Mr. Duncan made a short address & in conclusion
referred to Turner's death in a touching manner--
Many present wept. Betsy was convulsed with
grief. I though I had never seen her look more
lovely. I would fall in love with her if I were a
man. I can't keep my eyes off of her. Mr. Duncan
rode home with us. We stopped in at Dr. Striblings
& Mr. D. had prayers for which the doctor expressed
much gratitude. It made me feel how near death is
to all of us, to see that poor old man lying weak &
feeble in his bed, would that we could be as ready to
die as he is when our time comes. Oh, to think that
one of us must leave the other sooner or later. I
cannot wish you grief but I feel that were you to
die I could not live. Oh, how little would life be
worth to me without you-- Could I ever smile again
- My heart would break...I would break.
Mr. Duncan, cousin John Mt. Blanc brother James all
dined here. I was only in the parlor a few
minutes after dinner. Spent the evening
nursing Jacque, trying to to[sic] read. Now
that all my "jewels" are asleep, I must
endeavour to make up for lost time-- No letter
yet. Still there is hope tomorrow may bring me a
letter. Goodnight, my love, goodnight...your devoted
[transcript from 1972 by granddaughter Anne Madison Wright Baylor]
MSS 15406
1862 June 29 on the North of the Chickahominy
On the North of Chickahominy
Sunday 29” June 1862
My dear Wife
We have had a great victory
so far. Nothing was done yester
day & we are still lying still
but other divisions have ad-
vanced & others are building
bridges. our loss has been heavy
but that of the enimy [sic] terrific
& fearful. The fight was
terable [sic] & was general The
13” Va Reg suffered severly
George Magruder, Sheridan Reu-
ben & Conway Newman are
all wounded but none dange-
rous & will all be sent
home to day. I have not heard
from Ned He fought on
the other side of the river.
Our Brigade belonged to the
Reserve Corps & was not
ordered forward until 5
[page 2]
oclock & then did not
get under any thing like
a heavy fire but unfortu
nately for us it was heavy
enough to deprive us of our
gallant brigade commander
Col Fulkerson who was
mortally wounded & has since
died. The command of the
brigade then evolved on
me. Yesterday Hamptons
Legion was assigned to the
brigade & Genl Hampton
assigned to the command of
both, but he still keeps me
in command of our brigade.
Genl Elzie & Capt Chestney
were both wounded Lieut
McDonald killed. we are
expecting still further & very
hard fighting [two words illegible] skir
mishing is kept up I will
write to you as often [word illegible]
[words illegible] dont know [words illegible]
I will send this
[the following was written along the left margin of page 2]
But by first chance Most affectionately
E.T. H Warren
“On the North of Chickahominy”, heading – The regiment was in position near White Oak Bridge.
“My dear Wife”, salutation – Virginia ‘Jennie’ Watson Magruder Warren.
“George Magruder”, line 11 – Jennie’s brother George S. Magruder, Private, Company C, 13th VA Infantry, was wounded in the shoulder at the Battle of Gaines’ Mill, 27 June 1862.
“Sheridan”, line 11 – No official records have survived which indicate Charles Sheridan Newman served in the 13th VA Infantry. However, a number of men served in various organizations and no official records are extant today. Available official records indicate Charles Sheridan Newman was commissioned as 1st Lieutenant/Adjutant in the 60th Tennessee Mounted Infantry in October 1862.
It is unlikely Warren would have made such a mistake as mentioning Sheridan as wounded considering the detail he added about their being sent home. However, as he obviously received the information second-, or third-, hand possibly there was some confusion concerning which Newman was wounded. It is remotely possible the man was John Herbert Newman, Private, Company A, 13th VA Infantry. He was mortally wounded 27 June 1862 at the Battle of Gaines’ Mill and died on 28 June.
“Reuben”, lines 11 & 12 – Reuben Manning Newman, Private, Company C, 13th VA Infantry, was wounded in the leg at the Battle of Gaines’ Mill, 27 June 1862.
“Conway Newman”, line 12 – Conway Newman, Lieutenant, Company F, 13th VA Infantry, was wounded at the Battle of Gaines’ Mill, 27 June 1862.
“Our Brigade”, line 18; page 2, line 16 – During the Seven Days’ the brigade consisted of the 10th, 23rd, and 37th VA Infantry regiments, along with Wooding’s Danville (VA) Artillery Battery.
“Col Fulkerson”, page 2, line 7 – Samuel V. Fulkerson, Colonel, 37th VA Infantry, commanded the brigade noted above at Gaines’ Mill, 27 June 1862.
“Hamptons Legion”, page 2, lines 11 & 12 – Hampton’s Legion (SC) Infantry Battalion.
“Genl Hampton”, page 2, line 13 – Wade Hampton III, of South Carolina, Confederate general.
“Genl Elzie”, page 2, line 17 – Arnold Elzey, Confederate general, commanded the Fourth Brigade, Ewell’s Division, Jackson’s Command, at Gaines’ Mill, 27 June 1862. Elzey was in the thick of the fight and received a severe debilitating wound in the face.
“Capt Chestney”, page 2, line 17 – Theo. O. Chestney, Captain, Assistant Adjutant-General, General Elzey’s Staff, was wounded in the shoulder at the Battle of Gaines’ Mill, 27 June 1862.
“Lieut McDonald”, page 2, line 19 – Craig W. McDonald, Lieutenant, Acting Inspector, General Elzey’s Staff, was killed at the Battle of Gaines’s Mill, 27 June 1862.
“E.T.H Warren”, page 2, signature – Edward Tiffin Harrison Warren, Colonel, 10th VA Infantry.
[transcript by John P. Mann IV]
MSS 7786-g
1862 June 29 before Richmond
[from the diary of Jonathan B. Hager of the 14th U.S. regulars as copied and annotated by him at a later date]
June 29 We marched slowly the whole night towards
Sunday morning we formed in line of battle having
hard some firing in our front which after-
ward proved to have been a skirmish with
the rebel Cavalry by ours, about 6 a m. we
halted on the road leading through White Oak
Swamp for breakfast. Mine consisted of
a hard Cracker & Swamp water which was very
refreshing. About an hour after we moved to
our position near Turkey Island Road where we
remained in line of battle all day. It was hot:
with the aid of bowers we kept in the shade &
enjoyed the rest. At night there were several a-
larms on the Picket Line but they all proved
to be false. The only effect they had was to
deprive us of our rest.
MSS 9044
June 29 We marched slowly the whole night towards
Sunday morning we formed in line of battle having
hard some firing in our front which after-
ward proved to have been a skirmish with
the rebel Cavalry by ours, about 6 a m. we
halted on the road leading through White Oak
Swamp for breakfast. Mine consisted of
a hard Cracker & Swamp water which was very
refreshing. About an hour after we moved to
our position near Turkey Island Road where we
remained in line of battle all day. It was hot:
with the aid of bowers we kept in the shade &
enjoyed the rest. At night there were several a-
larms on the Picket Line but they all proved
to be false. The only effect they had was to
deprive us of our rest.
MSS 9044
1862 June 29 before Richmond, Va.
[from the diary of Samuel Johnson, of the 1st Massachusetts Independent Light Battery]
June 29th
To day the army continued its retreat. A
great quantity of all kinds of military
stores are being destroyed, so that our
progress shall not be retarded. At six
P. M. we halted, and encamped for the
night. Gen Sumners Corps engaged the rebs
at Allens farm and after a severe struggle
forced the John Henry’s to retire. Smith’s
div. of the 6th Corps, engaged a portion of
the Rebel Army at Savage Station, and
although they repulsed the rebs. still owing
to a misunderstanding between Gen’s
Sumner and Heintzelman, they barely
escaped capture. Pleasant and very warm.
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 8493
1862 June 29 somewhere near Virginia battlefield
[letter scrawled on back and front of a Union patriotic envelope]
[on front of envelope right margin eaten away]
Sunday June 29th 1862
My Dear Wife I am wel
the Bloody Battle was faut
the 25 & 6th the nearest shel
to me was a bout 20 feet
but the All wise Provid
protected me unharmed
I would write more but
will wait a day or two &
give you the full partic
I am on the Battle field
Our guns are 1/2 miles below
[on back of envelope; flap has sealed to back obscuring message]
McClellans grand army
shot all to pieces I hope
army will follow them
dead are not all buried
wounded yankees
kindly & they are
ing of them from
tures--Our guns
yet but have
to times
[illegible] is long[?]
he Capt is not
to move every
I hope to Washington
with Jackson he
may move that way
not be idle long--
ry thing quiet his morng
would not have an [illegible]
[illegible last line]
[on envelope flap]
Excuse this short note I hope to see you
soon--I have some good oil cloths
& a yankee knife which
is the only relic
unsigned note of [Isaac Newton Rogers?]
MSS 6099-e
[on front of envelope right margin eaten away]
Sunday June 29th 1862
My Dear Wife I am wel
the Bloody Battle was faut
the 25 & 6th the nearest shel
to me was a bout 20 feet
but the All wise Provid
protected me unharmed
I would write more but
will wait a day or two &
give you the full partic
I am on the Battle field
Our guns are 1/2 miles below
[on back of envelope; flap has sealed to back obscuring message]
McClellans grand army
shot all to pieces I hope
army will follow them
dead are not all buried
wounded yankees
kindly & they are
ing of them from
tures--Our guns
yet but have
to times
[illegible] is long[?]
he Capt is not
to move every
I hope to Washington
with Jackson he
may move that way
not be idle long--
ry thing quiet his morng
would not have an [illegible]
[illegible last line]
[on envelope flap]
Excuse this short note I hope to see you
soon--I have some good oil cloths
& a yankee knife which
is the only relic
unsigned note of [Isaac Newton Rogers?]
MSS 6099-e
1862 June 29 near Richmond, Va.
[from the diary of Frank Fitzhugh of Cutshaw's battery]
June Sunday 29 1862
Fighting continued on the
South Side of the Branch.
we cross to the S Side to
night. enemy still retreating
June Sunday 29 1862
Fighting continued on the
South Side of the Branch.
we cross to the S Side to
night. enemy still retreating
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 4448
1862 June 29 Richmond, Va.
[from the diary of Daniel D. Logan, younger brother of General Thomas M. Logan, formerly a Sgt, Co. B, 1st Special Battalion (Rightor's), now with the Hampton Legion]
Sunday – June 29th 1861
Went into town before breakfast today &
saw Mullie, taking breakfast with
the Dunlops – found Mr Harvey asleep
upon his sofa, having just come in
from the battle field of Gaines Mills
where he had been all night taking off
the wounded – with his citizen’s committee –
Returned to the office by Eleven o’c &
spent the day writing up returns of our
payments for last quarter – Rec’d a letter
from Julie today – Brother Rode into
town to day to change saddles with
the man who [-] him his horse – Capt
Harrison has determined to give up his
department, & go to the springs for his
health – the old man is very ill – Find
Mullie but slightly wounded in the foot –
he will probably be here a week or ten days –
Genl Magruders division & Huger & Holmes
[The following lines are cross-written over the above page.]
moved forward on the Enemy today – the former
having a severe fight & driving them before
us with heavy loss – taking 800 prisoners &
many wagons – Tonight our troops are on the
Charles City road & four miles from our late
Picket lines – Longstreet & Hills divisions have
recrossed the Chickahominy river & are after
the foe by another route - Jackson’s also
over & making for their rear – The fighting today
was on the Yorktown railroad –
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 6154
1862 June 29
of Private E.A. Wood, Co. C. 13th Mass Infantry, ]
[from the diary of Private E. A. Wood, Co. C, 13th Massachusetts]
[from the diary of Private E. A. Wood, Co. C, 13th Massachusetts]
Sunday June 29th 1862
Pleasant all day. also very warm.
had some baked beans for Breakfast
were very good. All we wanted to
it a splendid Breakfast was
have not seen for a good while.
was at seven O clock.
Dinner time, Mitchell and myself
a dozen eggs for twenty
cents. (No dinner was given us,
hard bread) I got a piece of pork,
a spider and fried six of them.
made a very good dinner for us.
the Afternoon I walked down to the
and took a bath. I crossed
run and went to a house
a mile from where I crossed;
the creek was the Battle field.
went into the House and asked
a drink of water, which was
me. I asked the man, that was
the House, if he was there when the
took place. He said his Family
there, but he himself was at
The Rebels had ordered him
to join the Secesh Army,
few days before the Battle.
had got rid some way or reather,
going into the ranks, and the
had concluded to let him
home. He was at Manassas
for an opportunity to
home when the Battle took
place. The woman that was in
house said that she was
most to death, and
wanted to be so near
Army’s again. I have never
over all the Battle ground
but think I shall some day.
man said that he had never
on to the field, and never
if he can help it. He went
the edge of it the day after
Battle He saw three dead
laying on the ground,
sickened him of going
farther. The Chaplain
reather a curious Sermon
us to day, but a very good
one, Where do you think he took
text from. From Mark Tapley,
Character in one of Dickens
The text is always be jolly
went on to say that, if
who was always jolly,
how to live. In what
circumstances he may be
if things had gone wrong
him and every thing look
be jolly under the circumstance.
said [a word lined through] that there was no
of people who ought to be more
than Soldiers. He said if a
started on a March with a
weighing from twenty to thirty
should grumble, complain and
the Knapsack would weigh
hundred and sixty pounds
he had got ten miles, But if
Soldiers starts off with a Knapsack
thirty pounds, and is jolly
he reaches the end of ten miles
Knap would weigh thirty pounds
it might in some cases
sixty but never over.
did not mean by being jolly
laugh at all the bad jokes that
got off, or to made bad jokes,
good innocent jokes, something
our Concience approved off.
Tapley was a man, that in
ever circumstances he was placed
to be always jolly.
think our Chaplain he lives up to his doctrine
he is always jolly. After services
had dress Parade.
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 12021
1862 June 29 Lynchburg, Va.
[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat, with five sons in the Confederate Army]
Sunday 29 A day of considerable excitement
Every dispatch that came announced
news better & better--but with these came
the sad list of casualties--thank God
a telegram announced the safety of my
boys. Richd Davis changed his mind
and remained in town. He preached for us
in the morning. His sermon was
able & finished far ahead of what
I expected--Suffering from sore throat.
MSS 4763
Sunday 29 A day of considerable excitement
Every dispatch that came announced
news better & better--but with these came
the sad list of casualties--thank God
a telegram announced the safety of my
boys. Richd Davis changed his mind
and remained in town. He preached for us
in the morning. His sermon was
able & finished far ahead of what
I expected--Suffering from sore throat.
MSS 4763
1862 June 29 Chapel Hill, N.C.
[from the diary of Eliza Oswald Hill, refugee from Wilmington, N.C.]
Sunday 29th the morning was cloudy & threatning--But we all went
to Church--Mr Hilliard being absent Mr Wingfield officiated & gave
us a very good sermon--"Those that are not for me are against me"
at 2 o clock it rained violently for a little while & we had one or
two flashes of lightning--But this afternoon it has cleared off brightly--
Mr Fetter leaves for Raleigh to night, & Mr J Rensher for Rich-
-mond--there being only 4 beaux left on the Hill--the girls will
miss them very much--All the news from Richmond to day
is in our favour a great battle has been fought--& we have
been victorious. But in lives it has cost us dearly--I am trem
bling for the fate of Tom--We can hear no particulars yet
or even what Regiments were engaged--Amongst the killed is
said to be Jimmy Wright--Captain of a NC company--poor
fellow he was here a month ago--in fine health & spirits--
MSS 6960
Sunday 29th the morning was cloudy & threatning--But we all went
to Church--Mr Hilliard being absent Mr Wingfield officiated & gave
us a very good sermon--"Those that are not for me are against me"
at 2 o clock it rained violently for a little while & we had one or
two flashes of lightning--But this afternoon it has cleared off brightly--
Mr Fetter leaves for Raleigh to night, & Mr J Rensher for Rich-
-mond--there being only 4 beaux left on the Hill--the girls will
miss them very much--All the news from Richmond to day
is in our favour a great battle has been fought--& we have
been victorious. But in lives it has cost us dearly--I am trem
bling for the fate of Tom--We can hear no particulars yet
or even what Regiments were engaged--Amongst the killed is
said to be Jimmy Wright--Captain of a NC company--poor
fellow he was here a month ago--in fine health & spirits--
MSS 6960
1862 June 29 Camp on Flat Top Mountain, Va.
[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio
Sunday, June 29, 1862
Anniversary of
the day I left home
for Camp Chase
Certainly experienced
different emotions
from what I did on
that day
After Guard mounting
procured pass for my
self & Campbell also got
some 5[?] lbs coffee little
salt & went to Mrs Harris
got 5 lbs butter also
some Buttermilk. got some
of the Butter from
Mrs Branner.
Indications are that
we will leave this
place soon. Cavalry
Company came in to day
No Parade Wrote
Letter to Father description
of the Country around
mostly cloudy with showers.
MSS 10317
1862 June 29 Camp on flat Top Mountain]
Letter of James Dinsmore Templeton of the 23rd Ohio continues
June 29th It is Sabath
not the Sabbath of home but
millitary Sabbath. We have
just finished dinner &
I and Will Campbell are
about starting out into the
country to get some
butter we are going
about two miles
to the house of one
Harris. the father of
Mrs Harris (She is quite
old) worked for Gen
George Washington 6 years
during the Revolution
in the capacity of cook
Well, I must go
or we will not
get back in time for
Have you done anything
in regard to that
affair in Pa---
Write soon so tell me
all the news that
you are dong &c
Yours Truly
J. D. Templeton
MSS 10317
June 29th It is Sabath
not the Sabbath of home but
millitary Sabbath. We have
just finished dinner &
I and Will Campbell are
about starting out into the
country to get some
butter we are going
about two miles
to the house of one
Harris. the father of
Mrs Harris (She is quite
old) worked for Gen
George Washington 6 years
during the Revolution
in the capacity of cook
Well, I must go
or we will not
get back in time for
Have you done anything
in regard to that
affair in Pa---
Write soon so tell me
all the news that
you are dong &c
Yours Truly
J. D. Templeton
MSS 10317
1862 June 29 Camp Colby, Mercer County
Mercer County camp calby June 25
Dear Pa
I once more seat my self to
inform you that I am well Cum[sic] do
hopeing thes few lines will find you enjoying
like blessings. Uncle Isacc got hear yestarday
broke broke
eavening. he is got something ^ about his buggy ^ as
he came along he was very near three days comeing
I got the ham of meat light bread you sent me
I was very much pleased with it for we never
draw any lean meat that is fit to eat I
havent any thing of importance to write to
you I heard ofJohns Cousin John cowans
death. I was very much supprised to hear of it
when Joseph ^ came back he said he was considera
ble better. poor fellows, I feelver verry sorrow
for them that is left behind. I know that
family has suffered greatly from the effects
of this war. This world has turned from a
of peas and hapiness to a world of trouble
and suffurage. If I should ever live till
pease is mad, I cannot return home without
[page 2]
trouble and sorrow on my mind from
loss the loss of so many good friends that I
will have to leave behind. it is sorrowful to
think of but we will have to do the best
we can we are hitched in and we must pull
out let the consequenses be what they may
we are in and the main ideas is to fite out
as quick as posible. It may be posible that
this was is thework you need not think,
this that I am tirred or disatisfyed for
I am no cumings seems very well satis
fyed I allowed to try to get a furlow
about the first of July to help you with
hearvest. I dont expecxt I will get to come
it is said that we will leave hear toma
rrow to cumberland gap or big Mckeson
gap, I havent got any letter from you since
uncle vinse was hear I am alooking for a letter
this eavening, give my respects to all enquireing
friends, no more at present but remain
your affectionate son C. H. Gilmer
Cumings Gilmer, write soon -- Cuming Gilmer
Charles H. Gilmer and Cummings Gilmer of the 29th Virginia
MSS 5194
Mercer County camp calby June 25
Dear Pa
I once more seat my self to
inform you that I am well Cum[sic] do
hopeing thes few lines will find you enjoying
like blessings. Uncle Isacc got hear yestarday
broke broke
eavening. he is got something ^ about his buggy ^ as
he came along he was very near three days comeing
I got the ham of meat light bread you sent me
I was very much pleased with it for we never
draw any lean meat that is fit to eat I
havent any thing of importance to write to
you I heard of
death. I was very much supprised to hear of it
when Joseph ^ came back he said he was considera
ble better. poor fellows, I feel
for them that is left behind. I know that
family has suffered greatly from the effects
of this war. This world has turned from a
of peas and hapiness to a world of trouble
and suffurage. If I should ever live till
pease is mad, I cannot return home without
[page 2]
trouble and sorrow on my mind from
will have to leave behind. it is sorrowful to
think of but we will have to do the best
we can we are hitched in and we must pull
out let the consequenses be what they may
we are in and the main ideas is to fite out
as quick as posible. It may be posible that
this was is the
this that I am tirred or disatisfyed for
I am no cumings seems very well satis
fyed I allowed to try to get a furlow
about the first of July to help you with
hearvest. I dont expecxt I will get to come
it is said that we will leave hear toma
rrow to cumberland gap or big Mckeson
gap, I havent got any letter from you since
uncle vinse was hear I am alooking for a letter
this eavening, give my respects to all enquireing
friends, no more at present but remain
your affectionate son C. H. Gilmer
Cumings Gilmer, write soon -- Cuming Gilmer
Charles H. Gilmer and Cummings Gilmer of the 29th Virginia
MSS 5194
1862 June 28 Lynchburg, Va.
[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]
Satufeay 28 The board ordered me to invest
$200,000 more in bonds--very vague
accounts of the battle yesterday--all
favorable however. Some of the casualties
reach us Dick Phelps killed--Col Wi-
thers of the 18 wounded--Nothing to
assure me of the safety of my boys
-but I take no news to be favorable
and should hope for the best. Eugene
I know has been engaged
Later in the day telegrams
came announcing that the enemy
were driven back several miles, that
the battle was still going on-6000
prisoners already taken--including three
Generals--90 or 100 guns & that our
forces were surrounding McClellan
and that a hope was entertained that
he would have to capitulate--If he
is cut off from the gun boats. I think
this probable enough. Lee in com-
mand and exciting admiration
by the manner in which his plans
are carried out--I always predicted
he would be the man--I did not
regret that the wound of Johnson
was not healed.--I wanted Lee to have
a fair chance.--News also that France
& England had determined to interfere
The N.Y. Herald admits it to be no longer
doubtful--Butlers "order" is denounced
in parliament in the most violent
manner. The vaporing of the Herald
on the occasion is truly characteristic
Coming home in the evening found
Mathew Maury & his daugher Ma
ry and Richard Davis--Mathews [wife?]
had reached Fredg and was to return
Monday--She wished to be back
with her Mary and home [?]her spee-
-dy return & the necessity of her
going to Richd tomoerow--Richd is on
his way to Flat Creek, summoned
by his wife to help nurse the ser
vants. The old fever has broken out
there--nineteen cases--Most high
-ly delighted with the intervention[?]
MSS 4763
Satufeay 28 The board ordered me to invest
$200,000 more in bonds--very vague
accounts of the battle yesterday--all
favorable however. Some of the casualties
reach us Dick Phelps killed--Col Wi-
thers of the 18 wounded--Nothing to
assure me of the safety of my boys
-but I take no news to be favorable
and should hope for the best. Eugene
I know has been engaged
Later in the day telegrams
came announcing that the enemy
were driven back several miles, that
the battle was still going on-6000
prisoners already taken--including three
Generals--90 or 100 guns & that our
forces were surrounding McClellan
and that a hope was entertained that
he would have to capitulate--If he
is cut off from the gun boats. I think
this probable enough. Lee in com-
mand and exciting admiration
by the manner in which his plans
are carried out--I always predicted
he would be the man--I did not
regret that the wound of Johnson
was not healed.--I wanted Lee to have
a fair chance.--News also that France
& England had determined to interfere
The N.Y. Herald admits it to be no longer
doubtful--Butlers "order" is denounced
in parliament in the most violent
manner. The vaporing of the Herald
on the occasion is truly characteristic
Coming home in the evening found
Mathew Maury & his daugher Ma
ry and Richard Davis--Mathews [wife?]
had reached Fredg and was to return
Monday--She wished to be back
with her Mary and home [?]her spee-
-dy return & the necessity of her
going to Richd tomoerow--Richd is on
his way to Flat Creek, summoned
by his wife to help nurse the ser
vants. The old fever has broken out
there--nineteen cases--Most high
-ly delighted with the intervention[?]
MSS 4763
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
1862 June 28 before Richmond, Va.
[from the diary of Jonathan B. Hager of the 14th U.S. Regulars as copied and annotated by him at a later date]
June 28 We were exceedingly
tired & worn out with the fatigues of the previous
day & night and it was not without a full
appreciation of its comforts that three of us
lay down together in the cool of the morning,
on the bare ground, with our heads upon the
sawn log. There was so much noise made
by the soldiers around us that we could not
sleep, and after resting an hour or so, we a-
rose to the performance of our duties.
After so severe a battle, our losses had to be
ascertained, the killed, wounded & missing had to
be reported. Arms had to be examined, ammu-
nition replenished, rations to be issued and all
the preparations necessary to be able & ready to
meet the enemy again wherever & whenever he
may appear. With an occasional nap during the
day, when it could be snatched, passed the time
until Evening. About 5 P.M. an order was re-
ceived to take up our line of march and we
set out for we knew not where. Our belief
was that we were going toward James River.
Up to this time we were not informed, of
course as to the nature of the movement. We
could not help observing, however, that we were
getting out of the way of the enemy. Leaving
the field of battle at night & blowing up bridges
behind us looked like a retreat and of
course was not by any means encouraging
to us. Spiritless we resumed our march. Our
tramp was lagging & wearisome. We were on
the road all night. Many times we stopped
to rest. No sooner did the column halt, than
men & officers dropped down into the road,
& were instantly asleep. Thus passed the night
until perhaps midnight when an oc-
currence took place which showed up to what
intensity the nerves of all were wrought. Some
disturbance at the head of the column, what it
was we never knew created the idea that we were
attacked by the rebel cavalry. The shock went
through the entire division like the firing of a
train of powder. Every man was instantly upon
his feet. Half took cover in the wood which
bordered the narrow road on one side & the other
half hugged the fence on the other side. Almost
as quickly however we knew such a thing to be
impossible & we returned to our places in the line.
It was a most astonishing thing. The entire
column acted as one man, and the shock at
the head was almost instantaneously felt at the
foot of the column, and the absurdity of the idea
struck each man as it were at the same instant.
When it is considered that we had been on short
rations for two or three days, without sleep for two
nights, had just been engaged in a terrible battle,
were retreating, the dead & still hour of midnight
& almost every man asleep, any disturbance would
naturally be ascribed to the enemy----
MSS 9044
June 28 We were exceedingly
tired & worn out with the fatigues of the previous
day & night and it was not without a full
appreciation of its comforts that three of us
lay down together in the cool of the morning,
on the bare ground, with our heads upon the
sawn log. There was so much noise made
by the soldiers around us that we could not
sleep, and after resting an hour or so, we a-
rose to the performance of our duties.
After so severe a battle, our losses had to be
ascertained, the killed, wounded & missing had to
be reported. Arms had to be examined, ammu-
nition replenished, rations to be issued and all
the preparations necessary to be able & ready to
meet the enemy again wherever & whenever he
may appear. With an occasional nap during the
day, when it could be snatched, passed the time
until Evening. About 5 P.M. an order was re-
ceived to take up our line of march and we
set out for we knew not where. Our belief
was that we were going toward James River.
Up to this time we were not informed, of
course as to the nature of the movement. We
could not help observing, however, that we were
getting out of the way of the enemy. Leaving
the field of battle at night & blowing up bridges
behind us looked like a retreat and of
course was not by any means encouraging
to us. Spiritless we resumed our march. Our
tramp was lagging & wearisome. We were on
the road all night. Many times we stopped
to rest. No sooner did the column halt, than
men & officers dropped down into the road,
& were instantly asleep. Thus passed the night
until perhaps midnight when an oc-
currence took place which showed up to what
intensity the nerves of all were wrought. Some
disturbance at the head of the column, what it
was we never knew created the idea that we were
attacked by the rebel cavalry. The shock went
through the entire division like the firing of a
train of powder. Every man was instantly upon
his feet. Half took cover in the wood which
bordered the narrow road on one side & the other
half hugged the fence on the other side. Almost
as quickly however we knew such a thing to be
impossible & we returned to our places in the line.
It was a most astonishing thing. The entire
column acted as one man, and the shock at
the head was almost instantaneously felt at the
foot of the column, and the absurdity of the idea
struck each man as it were at the same instant.
When it is considered that we had been on short
rations for two or three days, without sleep for two
nights, had just been engaged in a terrible battle,
were retreating, the dead & still hour of midnight
& almost every man asleep, any disturbance would
naturally be ascribed to the enemy----
MSS 9044
1862 June 28 before Richmond, Va.
[from the diary of Samuel Johnson of the 1st Massachusetts Independent Light Battery]
June 28th
Were turned out at three. A. M and marched
to the banks of the river, to protect the right
flank of the army. the army is compelled to
fall back from before Richmond. not being
strong enough to hold our position against
the reinforcements the rebs have received
from the South. (For all this we can thank
that poor, weak minded thing, that is styled
President Lincoln,) All day long a steady
[in pencil,
in the margin is written, “ You don’t mean that.”]
column of sick, and wounded troops, trains,
and other material of war, was passing
by us. At four P. M. our div was sent to
the front with orders to hold our position
at all haz
to be left as the rear guard to cover the
retreat. Remained in position until mid-
-night, when we limbered up, and fell back
after the remainder of the army. As far as I
can under stand the proceedings, the authorities
at Washington have done the best they could
to sacrifise this army, and if we ever
reach the James River it will be wholly
to the credit of Gen Mc Clellan and to
him will this country’s thanks be due.
Warm and pleasant.
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 8493
1862 June 28 Richmond, Va.
[from the diary of Daniel D. Logan, younger brother of General Thomas M. Logan, formerly a Sgt, Co. B, 1st Special Battalion (Rightor's), now with the Hampton Legion]
Saturday – June 28th 1862
Bro Geo woke me up a midnight last night
coming in from the battle field – he reports the
Enemy driven back towards their left wing with
heavy loss – a distance of six miles, our men
capturing all their field works with many guns
wagons & Small arms, & forcing them to burn all
the Commissary stores belonging to the left
wing of their army – capturing many heavy
siege guns & light pc’s of Artilery – Jackson &
A.P. Hill’s divisions worked round the left Right
flank of the Enemy, forcing them to
change front & line of battle; from latest
ac’cts – our men under three generals had
taken possession of their landing at White
House on the Pamunkey river & also of the
York River Railroad by which they had been
getting their supplies – 3400 prisoners arrived
in town today – with the Yankee generals
Reynolds & Taylor, one Colonel and three
I have been confined to the office most of
today – Rode into town today to hunt up Mullie
& attend to some business – Did not succeed in
the former object – but learned from Brother
who came up this Evening that he had gone
to Mrs Dunlops last night to find him &
they Kept him – that Mullie wanted to
go to Mr Harveys – of his Co Smith was
Killed & some five others wounded – there
is nothing very authentic from the field
beyond the Chickahominy – Gen Magruders
Hugers & Holmes hold our front on
this other side of the river, only having slight
Artilery skirmis[h]es with that portion of
the Yankee Army on this side the Chick
-ahominy – they will probably push forward
tomorrow after the foe – I rode down to
Mrs Price’s this Evening where Magruder &
Staff were, Mrs Prices house is
[The following is cross-written over the above page.]
completely riddled with cannon balls – We
could hear the guns this day, from Richmond
towards the fields of combat – Returned after
dark & retired after reading for a few hours.
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 6154
1862 June 28 near Richmond, Va.
[from the diary of Frank C. Fitzhugh of Cutshaw's Battery]
Saturday 28
Continued our advance down the
north of Chh Swamp. Fight
continued on the South Side
by Johnston’s forces. enemy still
Saturday 28
Continued our advance down the
north of Chh Swamp. Fight
continued on the South Side
by Johnston’s forces. enemy still
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 4448
1862 June 28 near Richmond
[diary of Sgt. Z Lee Gilmer of the 19th Virginia Co. B (Albemarle rifles), written somewhat later, continues ]
(Saturday 28) about
12 when Maj Ellis Lt White, Sgt
Wm H Shepherd & myself were
taken to Richmond. I went
direct to my Uncles & took
my fond friend Shepperd with
me. about an hour after I was
shot I lost my voice & did not
recover it until five or six day's
I am much indebted to John Dicken
son for my life, for he held me
up the entire night & the next
day until I left I shall never
forget him. If he had not have
done this I would have suffica
ted in a few moments, for I could
not lay down at all. There I was
held up on the battlefield all
night listening to the fight
for it was going on all night
with the exception I guess of two
hours. when I was taken to
Richmond the next day in the
ambulance, I had to pass over
the battlefield of the day before
for six or 8 miles. They were
burying our dead, puting them
by dozens in one large grave
No useless coffin enclosed his breast
Nor in sheet, nor in shroud we wound him
But he lay like a warrior taking his ^
With his martial cloak around him
after a painful ride we reached
the city & we drove round to my
Uncles for me to stop & my friend
Shepherd, I took leave of Maj-
Ellis, White & Dickinson who shed
teers when he parted. I could not
speak & they thought me mortally
wounded. My Uncle & his family met
me at the Door. they had not heard
of my misfortune then
My clothes were saturated with blood
& it had even run down into my
shoes could not use myself much
& in all look as if I would live but
a little while. My Uncle & Aunt helpt
me up to a room & soon had me as
comfortable as I could have been
made on earth. they could not have
been kinder
Gilmer quotes from "The burial of Sir John Moore after Corunna" by Charles Wolfe.
MSS 4459
(Saturday 28) about
12 when Maj Ellis Lt White, Sgt
Wm H Shepherd & myself were
taken to Richmond. I went
direct to my Uncles & took
my fond friend Shepperd with
me. about an hour after I was
shot I lost my voice & did not
recover it until five or six day's
I am much indebted to John Dicken
son for my life, for he held me
up the entire night & the next
day until I left I shall never
forget him. If he had not have
done this I would have suffica
ted in a few moments, for I could
not lay down at all. There I was
held up on the battlefield all
night listening to the fight
for it was going on all night
with the exception I guess of two
hours. when I was taken to
Richmond the next day in the
ambulance, I had to pass over
the battlefield of the day before
for six or 8 miles. They were
burying our dead, puting them
by dozens in one large grave
No useless coffin enclosed his breast
Nor in sheet, nor in shroud we wound him
But he lay like a warrior taking his ^
With his martial cloak around him
after a painful ride we reached
the city & we drove round to my
Uncles for me to stop & my friend
Shepherd, I took leave of Maj-
Ellis, White & Dickinson who shed
teers when he parted. I could not
speak & they thought me mortally
wounded. My Uncle & his family met
me at the Door. they had not heard
of my misfortune then
My clothes were saturated with blood
& it had even run down into my
shoes could not use myself much
& in all look as if I would live but
a little while. My Uncle & Aunt helpt
me up to a room & soon had me as
comfortable as I could have been
made on earth. they could not have
been kinder
Gilmer quotes from "The burial of Sir John Moore after Corunna" by Charles Wolfe.
MSS 4459
1862 June 28 near Richmond, Va.
Camp near Richmond
Saturday, June 28th 1862 101/2 am.
I have written to you twice, my darling since we parted
and have received no letter from you except the one sent by
Mrs Knight. I fear you are sick and have thus been pre-
vented from writing to me.--I take my pencil
and paper this morning to send you a short note
and to advise you of my whereabouts and what
I am doing.--Our Regiment is in the same
position it occupied when you were in
Richmond, and is by order from Gen Lee, en-
gaged in watching the fight flank of our
position so that the enemy may not turn
it without our having our notice. We have
thus seen none of the fighting which has
been going commenced Thursday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, was continued yesterday and
has been, I suppose, resumed this morning.
All I have learned is that Genls Hill &
Longstreet crossed the Chickahominy Thurs-
day afternoon at Mechanicsville and drove
the enemy yesterday five or six miles before
them. Genl. Jackson on our extreme left
[page 2]
engaged the enemy yesterday near Old
Church in Hanover. After a very hard fight
the enemy gave way about night. Our men
slept on the battle field and renewed the
battle this morning at 2 o'clock: when my
informant left it was day break, and the
the[sic] Enemy were falling back and we
were pressing on them. I pray earnestly
that God will give us a complete and
decisive victory over our foes. The
indications of success thus far are favorable
I will try and give you the earliest
intelligence of any part I may be
called on to act in this great strife.
Kiss the children for me. I would
give much to see you and our darling
boys this morning. Love to Mrs Riddle
Remember me kindly to the servants.
Upon you, my dear wife, I pour out
all the wealth of my heart, & pray our
Heavenly Father to sustain & uphold you.
Yr affectionate husband
John T. Thornton.
John Thruston Thornton, University of Virginia alumnus, and Captain, Co. K, 3rd Virginia Cavalry
MSS 4021
Saturday, June 28th 1862 101/2 am.
I have written to you twice, my darling since we parted
and have received no letter from you except the one sent by
Mrs Knight. I fear you are sick and have thus been pre-
vented from writing to me.--I take my pencil
and paper this morning to send you a short note
and to advise you of my whereabouts and what
I am doing.--Our Regiment is in the same
position it occupied when you were in
Richmond, and is by order from Gen Lee, en-
gaged in watching the fight flank of our
position so that the enemy may not turn
it without our having our notice. We have
thus seen none of the fighting which has
at 3 o'clock, was continued yesterday and
has been, I suppose, resumed this morning.
All I have learned is that Genls Hill &
Longstreet crossed the Chickahominy Thurs-
day afternoon at Mechanicsville and drove
the enemy yesterday five or six miles before
them. Genl. Jackson on our extreme left
[page 2]
engaged the enemy yesterday near Old
Church in Hanover. After a very hard fight
the enemy gave way about night. Our men
slept on the battle field and renewed the
battle this morning at 2 o'clock: when my
informant left it was day break, and the
the[sic] Enemy were falling back and we
were pressing on them. I pray earnestly
that God will give us a complete and
decisive victory over our foes. The
indications of success thus far are favorable
I will try and give you the earliest
intelligence of any part I may be
called on to act in this great strife.
Kiss the children for me. I would
give much to see you and our darling
boys this morning. Love to Mrs Riddle
Remember me kindly to the servants.
Upon you, my dear wife, I pour out
all the wealth of my heart, & pray our
Heavenly Father to sustain & uphold you.
Yr affectionate husband
John T. Thornton.
John Thruston Thornton, University of Virginia alumnus, and Captain, Co. K, 3rd Virginia Cavalry
MSS 4021
1862 June 28 Washington.
June 28, 1862
My darling Sister
Miss Brooke
gave me your beautiful
letter yesterday, telling
me of our terrible loss. I
tried to make myself be=
lieve that it was true, but
I cannot, it seems too
dreadful to believe, it is
for poor Mother that I
feel the most. it is a ter=
rible blow for her, it is a
consolation however, to know
that he died doing his du=
ty. Miss Kate Barnard
[page 2]
came to see me yesterday
mornon morning, She
brought Willie and left
him to stay with me
untill night. the lit=
le fellow was standing
in the passage when I came
out to see him and as I
stooped to kiss him, he
whisperd, "oh Nina our
Father," then I could not
stand it any longer. I
cried as hard as I could.
please excuse this writing
the ink is very bad.
yesterday I had a very
bad stomach ache, but I
am much better now,
give my very best love to
dear Mother,A Uncle
N Alfred, and Grandma
from you affec--little--Nina
Nina Ellet to her sister Mary Ellet on the death of their father Charles Ellet, Jr, mortally wounded in the river battle for Memphis. Mary had accompanied their mother to care for Ellet whom they had presumed was not seriously injured. Uncle Alfred is Charles's younger brother, Brigadier General Alfred Washington Ellet, 1820-1895.
MSS 276
June 28, 1862
My darling Sister
Miss Brooke
gave me your beautiful
letter yesterday, telling
me of our terrible loss. I
tried to make myself be=
lieve that it was true, but
I cannot, it seems too
dreadful to believe, it is
for poor Mother that I
feel the most. it is a ter=
rible blow for her, it is a
consolation however, to know
that he died doing his du=
ty. Miss Kate Barnard
[page 2]
came to see me yesterday
brought Willie and left
him to stay with me
untill night. the lit=
le fellow was standing
in the passage when I came
out to see him and as I
stooped to kiss him, he
whisperd, "oh Nina our
Father," then I could not
stand it any longer. I
cried as hard as I could.
please excuse this writing
the ink is very bad.
yesterday I had a very
bad stomach ache, but I
am much better now,
give my very best love to
dear Mother,
from you affec--little--Nina
Nina Ellet to her sister Mary Ellet on the death of their father Charles Ellet, Jr, mortally wounded in the river battle for Memphis. Mary had accompanied their mother to care for Ellet whom they had presumed was not seriously injured. Uncle Alfred is Charles's younger brother, Brigadier General Alfred Washington Ellet, 1820-1895.
MSS 276
1862 June 28 Cloud's Mill, Pa.
[from the "War Journal" of George Hazen Dana, of the 32nd Massachusetts, a compilation of his letters and field notebook]
Cloud’s Mills, Pa.
June 28th 1862.
As you see, we have moved about fifteen miles
to the southward of our old quarters, where we have
about 18,000 men to be commanded, probably. Gen.
Sturgis and more regiments expected soon. We
marched all the way here, and immediately on arrival
I was detailed as Officer of the Guard, which kept me
up all night, so I’ve not felt much like writing since.
My great trouble here is the impossibility of keeping
clean, as the fine powdered dust under the grass seems to
rise, even without any wind, and cover everything.
[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 5130
1862 June 28 Chapel Hill, N.C.
[from the diary of Eliza Oswald Hill, refugee from Wilmington, N.C.]
Saturday --Cloudy & gloomy--Just in unison with my feelings
The Richmond dispatch of the 27th tells of a battle going on--& much less
of life--Major General Hill at 3 o clock precisely crossed the Chickahominy--The
Yankees seemed perfectly aware of his coming. General Hill with 12000 men
engaged the whole of McClennans forces until night put an end to the unde
cided contest. General Branch did not reach there until nightfall--Du-
ring the whole time of the contest large reinforcements were passing the Chickaho-
miny under General Lee. But none of the forces engaged in the gattle were un
der fire--General lee did not reach MechanicksVille untill 9 oclock at night
when the battle was over--General Hill is the Hero of Williamsburg He was
then a Brigadier & won on the field his title of Major General. & the battle of
yesterday he displayed in the highest degree all the talents of a commander
with the exception of proper caution for his own life which he exposed from the
first shot to the last with the recklessness of a trooper. The Regiments enga
-ged were the14th 1st Louisana[sic] The 4th 3d & 2nd Georgia. The force being
under the command of General A R Wright--This force was supported in the
engagement by a portion of General Ransom's brigade consisting of the
48th & 28 North Carolina commanded by Colonel Rutledge--The Centre
of the enemy was attacked first driving the pickets in. The 1st Louisana[sic] made
a brilliant charge encountering 3 regiments of the Enemy on the right
of the road---This gallant Regiment & the 22d Georgia fought the enemy's centre
for several hours & when forced to retire fell back in good order--On the left
Colonel Rutledge led the advance with his regiment supported by the 3d Geor-
-gia on the extreme right as well as in the centre the fighting was extremely
fierce. This portion of the field being gallantly contested by the 4th Georgia which
3 times repulsed the enemy & was supported by Colonel Hills 48th N Carolina
During the engagement the Enemy brought up 2 pieces of artillery from which our men suffered
Received a letter from Tom to day which caused me low spirits to think he is again
a private--Mr Mason, whosethro recommendation he obtained the appoint
ment of Ordnance Sergeant & whom to be with he accepted it--Having
asked to be relieved from his office which was over Tom--Tom has also
determined to ask the Colonel to relieve him too & return to his
situation only Mr Mason wished him to take it which he did
to be near him & so far he says they have had a pleasant time together
["]But as Mr Mason has determined to leave & I will be alone here amongst
strangers & an uncongenial set I think it best to go back to my
Regiment"-- He says further if they would allow my wagon to stay with
the Regiment--I would still hold this office. But they will not--
He mentions the death of a Mr Collins--once Overseer for Liz & the mar
riage of Miss O Kearney a great favourite of his with Mrs Andrews'
oldest son--a minister. Jimmie Andrews married Miss Thomas month
ago--They ought both to be where my sons are, fighting for their
Liberty--Their homes --& their families. I answered Toms letter but
dont know when he will receive it.
Tom= her son Thomas Hill of the 18th Mississippi Co. K (Burts Rifles)
Mr. Mason= Captain James M. Mason, her future son-in-law
Liz= Elizabeth Branch Hill, daughter of North Carolina governor John Branch and her widowed daughter-in-law
MSS 6960
Saturday --Cloudy & gloomy--Just in unison with my feelings
The Richmond dispatch of the 27th tells of a battle going on--& much less
of life--Major General Hill at 3 o clock precisely crossed the Chickahominy--The
Yankees seemed perfectly aware of his coming. General Hill with 12000 men
engaged the whole of McClennans forces until night put an end to the unde
cided contest. General Branch did not reach there until nightfall--Du-
ring the whole time of the contest large reinforcements were passing the Chickaho-
miny under General Lee. But none of the forces engaged in the gattle were un
der fire--General lee did not reach MechanicksVille untill 9 oclock at night
when the battle was over--General Hill is the Hero of Williamsburg He was
then a Brigadier & won on the field his title of Major General. & the battle of
yesterday he displayed in the highest degree all the talents of a commander
with the exception of proper caution for his own life which he exposed from the
first shot to the last with the recklessness of a trooper. The Regiments enga
-ged were the
under the command of General A R Wright--This force was supported in the
engagement by a portion of General Ransom's brigade consisting of the
48th & 28 North Carolina commanded by Colonel Rutledge--The Centre
of the enemy was attacked first driving the pickets in. The 1st Louisana[sic] made
a brilliant charge encountering 3 regiments of the Enemy on the right
of the road---This gallant Regiment & the 22d Georgia fought the enemy's centre
for several hours & when forced to retire fell back in good order--On the left
Colonel Rutledge led the advance with his regiment supported by the 3d Geor-
-gia on the extreme right as well as in the centre the fighting was extremely
fierce. This portion of the field being gallantly contested by the 4th Georgia which
3 times repulsed the enemy & was supported by Colonel Hills 48th N Carolina
During the engagement the Enemy brought up 2 pieces of artillery from which our men suffered
Received a letter from Tom to day which caused me low spirits to think he is again
a private--Mr Mason, whose
ment of Ordnance Sergeant & whom to be with he accepted it--Having
asked to be relieved from his office which was over Tom--Tom has also
determined to ask the Colonel to relieve him too & return to his
situation only Mr Mason wished him to take it which he did
to be near him & so far he says they have had a pleasant time together
["]But as Mr Mason has determined to leave & I will be alone here amongst
strangers & an uncongenial set I think it best to go back to my
Regiment"-- He says further if they would allow my wagon to stay with
the Regiment--I would still hold this office. But they will not--
He mentions the death of a Mr Collins--once Overseer for Liz & the mar
riage of Miss O Kearney a great favourite of his with Mrs Andrews'
oldest son--a minister. Jimmie Andrews married Miss Thomas month
ago--They ought both to be where my sons are, fighting for their
Liberty--Their homes --& their families. I answered Toms letter but
dont know when he will receive it.
Tom= her son Thomas Hill of the 18th Mississippi Co. K (Burts Rifles)
Mr. Mason= Captain James M. Mason, her future son-in-law
Liz= Elizabeth Branch Hill, daughter of North Carolina governor John Branch and her widowed daughter-in-law
MSS 6960
1862 June 28 Camp on Flat Top Mountain, Va.
[from the diary of James Dinsmore Templeton, private and musician in the 23rd Ohio]
Saturday, June 28, 1862
Did not practice
after Guard mounting
as it threatened rain
Practiced this afternoon
have been writing
a little
Went in with Gillett
Charlie & Swett and
got a hay floor are
getting it [?]
at the Hospital
Heavy rain passed to
the southward
no rain of any
consequence here
Showers last night
Arthur got annother
Bell Tent--he & Fox
occupy it
Had Tibb pull new seat
in my old pants
MSS 10317
1862 June 28 Camp Jones, Flat Top Mountain, Va.
[letter of James Dinsmore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio continues]
June 28th We are not practicing
this forenoon as it rains a little
and I will write to you
We have now been here
over a month and it is
difficult to tell how much
longer we will remain Some
think 30 days at least. there
is an impression among several
of the officers that this is our
last camp in Va--they think
we will go into Eastern Tenn
and join with Buell
From a Telegram last night
[page 3]
we learn that the
combined forces of Banks
Fremont & Shields are
uinted and placed under
the Supreme Comd of Pope
to be called the Army of
Virginia. what disposition
will be made of this
position of the army is hard
to tell at this time. and
from past experiences I guess
it is useless to conjecture
the scenery around us
is very grand I wish you
were here it see it
A few mornings ago I
borrowed the Col- field Glass
and went up to the highest
peak of the mountain
Words would fail to
express the grandeur of the
scene. I only wish I was
able to sketch, had I known
[page 4]
two years ago that
I would pass through such
a country as this I should
certainly have spent six
months at least to acquire
that accomplishment for I
would now be amply
repaid as I now write
sitting outside the Tent I
see the mountains sweeping
away to the southward
in great billowy swells
far as the eye can reach
away to the Southeast
a depression in the
mountain rage between
the East River & Butt Mounts
marks the passage of
the New River called the
Narrows the place is a
strong natural position
now in possession of the
rebels where they ar[e] strongly
[page 5]
fortified We passed
through there on our
way to and from Giles
the passage is rather a
remarkable one being only
wide enough for the passage
of the river the road being
constructed at the base
close to the water the
mountain the mountains[sic]
on either side appears as
though they had once been
united but at some
subsequent period had
by some great convulsion
been separated for the
passage of the river.
the sides are very abrupt
riseing almost perpendicularly
to a great highth and on
either side a coresponding
strata of rocks [cropp?] out
and incline from the base
[page 6]
to the summit at an
angle of about 60 deg's
the different strata of earth
and rocks are qutie clearly
defined here and would
afford a study for a
Whilst I write a rain-
storm is sweeping along
in the distance obscuring
a portion of the mountain
scenery whilst in front
of it the sun is throwing
its lights and shadows
upon the mountain sides.
the contrast is very strikeing
and fine
[Templeton's letter will conclude on the 29th]
MSS 10317
June 28th We are not practicing
this forenoon as it rains a little
and I will write to you
We have now been here
over a month and it is
difficult to tell how much
longer we will remain Some
think 30 days at least. there
is an impression among several
of the officers that this is our
last camp in Va--they think
we will go into Eastern Tenn
and join with Buell
From a Telegram last night
[page 3]
we learn that the
combined forces of Banks
Fremont & Shields are
uinted and placed under
the Supreme Comd of Pope
to be called the Army of
Virginia. what disposition
will be made of this
position of the army is hard
to tell at this time. and
from past experiences I guess
it is useless to conjecture
the scenery around us
is very grand I wish you
were here it see it
A few mornings ago I
borrowed the Col- field Glass
and went up to the highest
peak of the mountain
Words would fail to
express the grandeur of the
scene. I only wish I was
able to sketch, had I known
[page 4]
two years ago that
I would pass through such
a country as this I should
certainly have spent six
months at least to acquire
that accomplishment for I
would now be amply
repaid as I now write
sitting outside the Tent I
see the mountains sweeping
away to the southward
in great billowy swells
far as the eye can reach
away to the Southeast
a depression in the
mountain rage between
the East River & Butt Mounts
marks the passage of
the New River called the
Narrows the place is a
strong natural position
now in possession of the
rebels where they ar[e] strongly
[page 5]
fortified We passed
through there on our
way to and from Giles
the passage is rather a
remarkable one being only
wide enough for the passage
of the river the road being
constructed at the base
close to the water the
mountain the mountains[sic]
on either side appears as
though they had once been
united but at some
subsequent period had
by some great convulsion
been separated for the
passage of the river.
the sides are very abrupt
riseing almost perpendicularly
to a great highth and on
either side a coresponding
strata of rocks [cropp?] out
and incline from the base
[page 6]
to the summit at an
angle of about 60 deg's
the different strata of earth
and rocks are qutie clearly
defined here and would
afford a study for a
Whilst I write a rain-
storm is sweeping along
in the distance obscuring
a portion of the mountain
scenery whilst in front
of it the sun is throwing
its lights and shadows
upon the mountain sides.
the contrast is very strikeing
and fine
[Templeton's letter will conclude on the 29th]
MSS 10317
1862 June 28 Staunton, Va.
[from the diary of Joseph Addison Waddell civilian employee of the Quartermaster Dept.]
Saturday, June 28, 1862.
Several dispatches at 10 o'clock last night, stating
that the enemy had been driven back seven miles,
and our troops still pursuing. A dispatch to-day
says the battle is still going on, that we have cap-
tured a large number of prisoners and many small
arms. Cannonading heard again this morning.
[transcription by the Valley of the Shadow project]
[transcription by the Valley of the Shadow project]
MSS 38-358
1862 June 28 Louisiana
June 28th 1862
My Dear Boys
After a long interval
of silence on your part, my anxiety has
been relieved concerning you by the receipt
of Pauls letter and day before yesterday of
yours dear Alex, I [?] so , lest you might
be sick that I was half tempted to go and
see for myself, had my family been well
I might have done so. Nannie and her
husband have had a siege of it but are both
much better now, they with my sister will
go to the Falls of St Anthony as soon as their
health will permit, I shall remain at home
Nan and I will have a lonely time, but,
cannot consent to go any further from my
darlings, what would I not give to have
you two dear boys with me, not a day
passes but you are tenderly thought and
[page 2]
spoken of, reminiscences of our European
tour are rarely refered to that your name
Alex is not mentioned, on a pleasant
afternoon when about to ride out Nan
will say, I know poor Alex often thinks
of Cadet's query of ladies will you like
to go to the "Pines to day" how I wish he
could be with us now, or when the fine
fruits or gumbo are brought on the
table we "wish the dear boys had some
of it," by the bye I have made some nice
preserves for you and will send you a box in
the early part of the week, & will try to let
you have it by the 4th of July , a novel thing
it will be for Americans to celebrate the
anniversary of their independence in
prison, but look out for the box you
will not probably enjoy its contents the
less because you are where good things
are scarce, I am glad to hear you are
both bearing your prison life in so
soldierly[?] a manner. I hope you did
not fail to write to your mother by the
[page 3]
released surgeons you spoke of
they will be permited to take open
letters, it would have been such a direct
opportunity; have they gone south: if so by
what route? I heard of your friend, W
he was well and in high favour, being recom
-mended for promotion, and transfer into
the regular army, by five of the most prominent
officers in it, a Federal officer who saw
him on the battle field at Elkorn says
his gallantry on that occasion attracted the
attention of the officers of their side and
said he deserved promotion on the field.
The City is dull, nothing breaks the monotony
except an occasional pic-nic, even they
are few and far between. Tom sends his
love as does Nan who says she intends
to write to you soon. do either of you
need any thing? remember me to Col.
Battle; when you get the box invite him to
lunch. Each and every one join in
much love to both of you. I remain dear
boys most affectionately
unsigned letter to Alexander and Paul de Clouet
The de Clouet brothers were sons of Confedrate congressman Alexandre Etienne deClouet of Louisiana. Both were in the 1st Field Battery, Louisiana Artillery which served in New Orleans until the fall of that city.
MSS 9564-a
My Dear Boys
After a long interval
of silence on your part, my anxiety has
been relieved concerning you by the receipt
of Pauls letter and day before yesterday of
yours dear Alex, I [?] so , lest you might
be sick that I was half tempted to go and
see for myself, had my family been well
I might have done so. Nannie and her
husband have had a siege of it but are both
much better now, they with my sister will
go to the Falls of St Anthony as soon as their
health will permit, I shall remain at home
Nan and I will have a lonely time, but,
cannot consent to go any further from my
darlings, what would I not give to have
you two dear boys with me, not a day
passes but you are tenderly thought and
[page 2]
spoken of, reminiscences of our European
tour are rarely refered to that your name
Alex is not mentioned, on a pleasant
afternoon when about to ride out Nan
will say, I know poor Alex often thinks
of Cadet's query of ladies will you like
to go to the "Pines to day" how I wish he
could be with us now, or when the fine
fruits or gumbo are brought on the
table we "wish the dear boys had some
of it," by the bye I have made some nice
preserves for you and will send you a box in
the early part of the week, & will try to let
you have it by the 4th of July , a novel thing
it will be for Americans to celebrate the
anniversary of their independence in
prison, but look out for the box you
will not probably enjoy its contents the
less because you are where good things
are scarce, I am glad to hear you are
both bearing your prison life in so
soldierly[?] a manner. I hope you did
not fail to write to your mother by the
[page 3]
released surgeons you spoke of
they will be permited to take open
letters, it would have been such a direct
opportunity; have they gone south: if so by
what route? I heard of your friend, W
he was well and in high favour, being recom
-mended for promotion, and transfer into
the regular army, by five of the most prominent
officers in it, a Federal officer who saw
him on the battle field at Elkorn says
his gallantry on that occasion attracted the
attention of the officers of their side and
said he deserved promotion on the field.
The City is dull, nothing breaks the monotony
except an occasional pic-nic, even they
are few and far between. Tom sends his
love as does Nan who says she intends
to write to you soon. do either of you
need any thing? remember me to Col.
Battle; when you get the box invite him to
lunch. Each and every one join in
much love to both of you. I remain dear
boys most affectionately
unsigned letter to Alexander and Paul de Clouet
The de Clouet brothers were sons of Confedrate congressman Alexandre Etienne deClouet of Louisiana. Both were in the 1st Field Battery, Louisiana Artillery which served in New Orleans until the fall of that city.
MSS 9564-a
1862 June 27 Lynchburg, Va.
[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat, with five sons in the Confederate Army]
Friday 27 The great battle has begun
It opens auspiciously for our cause
The enemy are routed on their right
wing--driven back for miles--all
their batteries carried. Every thought
so far as heard from favorable--but
it is too soon perhaps to crow. We
are not yet out of the woods--Went
down to meet Lanty who informed me
on the back of a letter that he wd
arrive this evening. Missed him at
the Depot. Saw two cars follow
with 76 prisoners- mostly wounded badly.
They were left by Fremont at Harrison-
burg on his retreat coming home
found Lanty had brought Mary
Jane with him who has grown
much and slenderer since I saw her
Lanty looks thin & not wel. He as
ked permission to invitefor to supper
Mr. Gildersleeve Greek prof of the University
and three young gentleman of the 1st
Maryland Regt. Their names were
Williamson, Murray, & Laird--all
gentleman born & bred, and distinguished
for polish of manners & high intelligence.
Williamson is a man of fortune--was edu-
cated in Europe & has [fine?] [talent?]
Muray is theson cousin of the gallant
Lt Murray who distinguished himself
some years ago on board the San Francis
co at the time of her wreck. In what
other servie could you find four such
young men as these & Lanty ser-
ving in the ranks. I am struck with
the young men from Maryland. They
beat ours in manners & dignity of
character--How very inferior seems
Gildersleeve to this youn man William
son--They had been in the same Univer
sities in Germany though not at the
same time. They staid until near 11
and made themselve very agreeable
--went down street to hear the news
but [?] at nothing. Ben retu
-ned & staid all night with Lanty.
MSS 4763
Friday 27 The great battle has begun
It opens auspiciously for our cause
The enemy are routed on their right
wing--driven back for miles--all
their batteries carried. Every thought
so far as heard from favorable--but
it is too soon perhaps to crow. We
are not yet out of the woods--Went
down to meet Lanty who informed me
on the back of a letter that he wd
arrive this evening. Missed him at
the Depot. Saw two cars follow
with 76 prisoners- mostly wounded badly.
They were left by Fremont at Harrison-
burg on his retreat coming home
found Lanty had brought Mary
Jane with him who has grown
much and slenderer since I saw her
Lanty looks thin & not wel. He as
ked permission to invite
Mr. Gildersleeve Greek prof of the University
and three young gentleman of the 1st
Maryland Regt. Their names were
Williamson, Murray, & Laird--all
gentleman born & bred, and distinguished
for polish of manners & high intelligence.
Williamson is a man of fortune--was edu-
cated in Europe & has [fine?] [talent?]
Muray is the
Lt Murray who distinguished himself
some years ago on board the San Francis
co at the time of her wreck. In what
other servie could you find four such
young men as these & Lanty ser-
ving in the ranks. I am struck with
the young men from Maryland. They
beat ours in manners & dignity of
character--How very inferior seems
Gildersleeve to this youn man William
son--They had been in the same Univer
sities in Germany though not at the
same time. They staid until near 11
and made themselve very agreeable
--went down street to hear the news
but [?] at nothing. Ben retu
-ned & staid all night with Lanty.
MSS 4763
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