Dear Cousin [Chloe Unity Blair]
I write a few lines this
morning to inform you that I am well
at this time and hopeing that it
may find you all enjoying the same
blessing, the health of our company
is better at this time than it has
bin for some time
I have no news of intrust to write
to you it is thought that we
will have a battle in a few days, its
reported that they was fighting
yesterday at faults Church I dont [know] weth
er it was so or not, one of the Dan
ville Grarys was up to see us last night
he said the yankees was in four
miles of them, thay are stationed at
Farfax Court House six miles a head of
us it is thought that we will
have a verry hard battle when it
does come off, I received a letter from
Addie last evening it afforded me
great pleasure to hear that he was
improveing so fast,
I will ad no more at presant so good bye
[page 2]
Write soon to your affectionate cousin
James Booker
To Miss C. U. Blair
Twin brothers James and John Booker from Pittsylvania County, Va., were in the Whiemell Guards, Co. D of the 38th Virginia Infantry
MSS 11237
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