My Dear Richard
Ben starts down in a mo-
ment for letters & papers; and as
Capt. Brown has politely offered to
take charge of any thing for you,
I will write you a hasty note.
He or Charly will also hand
you a small a box of apples Grapes
&c. I wish they could take you
more--- I suppose by this time
you have received the articles sent
by Mr Fox. We are quite anxious
to Know whether they reached you
in good order. Write and
let me know what you most
need--Your Ma says she will
make your Cap in a few days.
We have had a very heavy
rain again , tho' without the wind
[page 2]
which accompanied the last
I guess the dread-naught Coat
I sent you arrived just in sea-
son to do "yeoman servise."
We have seen very little
of "Charlie," I am sorry to say.
Victor has been so engaged
he could not find time to get
Tell Amos it is quite im
portant that he shall come
up, for a few days; and
that the must try to get a
furlugh. Newton will explain.
For local news I refer you
to Victor Charlie &c.
Your Ma & the chldren write
with me in love to you.
My very Kind and affectionate
regards for your [?] & the War-
ren Rifles generally.
Truly Your Affectionate
Parent M. B. Buck
[Richard Byaly Buck was in Co. B of the Warren Rifles, 17th Virgnia Infantry.]
MSS 3064
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