My Dear Sister –
After a second day occupied
with a display of the troops and a general
review by Gov. Letcher, I have just returned
to my quarters, and as I don’t find a
letter from you awaiting me, I have conclu-
ded to attempt to excite your writing propen-
sities by giving you a good example.
Yesterday and to day, I have seen more
of “the pomp & circumstance of War” than at
any previous time during the War Campaign
Yesterday Gov. Letcher presented a State flag
to each Va. Regiment and the ceremony
was witnessed by almost all of the Gener-
als and distinguished officers in this
department of the Army; and this evening
there was a still grander pageant presented
in a review of some 10,000 of the troops.
The column was nearly a mile in
length, and with the martial music, float-
ing banners, and the usual display of such
occasions, the scene presented was quite
grand & imposing. There has not prob-
ably been collected so many Generals at
a single spot during the war as this Evening
were assembled around the Governor.
[page 2]
Generals Johnston, Beauregard, G. W. Smith, Kirby
Smith, Jackson, Longstreet, Van Dorn, Steuart,
Sam. Jones, Clark, Early, Toombs, and several
others attended by their staffs were all
there and you can well imagine what
interest, and Eclat their presence gave the
Nov. 1st. Drowsiness so overcame me last night
that I had to lay aside my pen, and this
morning I find I shall barely have time to
add a few lines before the mail leaves
for the junction. Don’t forget to send me
the books which I spoke of a few days
since. Time sometimes hangs quite heavily
on my hands & when not so, it is not
generally very profitably employed.
Abram was with me yesterday and was
looking quite well, and hearty.
Let me impress it upon you to write
me frequently, and I will engage to punctually
answer all your letters.
Give my love to Every member of the
family, and believe me
Affectionately Your Brother
John W. Daniel
MSS 158
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