Monday, October 31, 2011

1861 Oct[ober] 31 Camp near Centreville

We returned from Picket late in
the day on Tuesday. Was notified the same
evening that I was to prepare for a grand
parade of all the Virginia Regiments to Re-
ceive from the hands of the Governor
a flag. We had a grand parade &
I made the best show I could with
the Regiment, but of course a Regim-
ent is like a smart child always doing
worse when you want it to do
best. Yet on the whole dont know
that I had much cause to com-
plain. I had a very pleasant time
on Picket--good order so much so
that I brought the Regiment in camp
without having a single stragler[sic]--the
first time such a thing was ever
done. I have just had a muster
& inspection preparations for four
months pay and am now in re-
ceipt of an order to prepare the
Regiment for review by the Gov
this afternoon--so you see I am
kept very busy and am afraid
I will not have time to write
you such a letter as I desire. Col
Gibbons is still sick & starts home to
day. Genl Elzie[sic] told me when I ap-
plied for his time, the Regiment could
not be left in better hands--though he
was sorry to part with any of his
officers--A very high compliment to

[page 2]
come from a man who so seldom pays
them, dont you think so. I will endeavor
to so manage the Regiment as to deserve
it. I fully appreciate my darling Jennie
your situation and I know your delicate
modesty--Yet I can think of nothing better
for you than to go to Frascatti. There is
the place for you & there you will receive
all the kindness which brothers sisters
& father can bestow--as soon as you
get settled I would write for Jennie Mot
son to come & stay with you. and you
will have a pleasant & quiet time un-
til after X Mass--about which time the
work of the organizing the Virginia
forces will commence and then I in-
tend to apply for a Colncy Comn which
of itself will send me home to reorgan
ize--but if I fail in that, then I will
ask to be sent on that duty as Lt Col
and Genl Elzie[sic] will I know give me
a good endorsement for either. So I
really hope to be with you at any
rate as early as February & may be
before that time. Why did you
not take the old plume & trim your
bonet[sic]--take any thing I know that
you can use for either yourself or
children or if you want to give it
away I have no
for you my dear darling wife and
well do you know it--I love you to
day more than the night our destinies
were united & expect to do so as long
as we live

E T H Warren

The flag referred to as received "from the hands of the Governor" is now on display at the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society, Dayton, Va. This flag has a dark blue body with the seal of the Commonwealth painted on a white disc in the center. It is one of the many flags issued by the Commonwealth to Virginia units during the War. John P. Mann, IV
MSS 7786-g

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