Camp near McLean's Ford
My Dear Creek
I am happy to inform you that the Box
came duly to hand, the contents were all safe except the
two bottles of Pickles and one of Catsup which were Broken
they did not however damage anything in the Box to
hurt, and the contents were very exceptable to us, as the
weather is now getting very cold here and warm clothes
very much needed, I think I will do pretty well now for
the winter, if I had the Balance of my homespun Uniform
The pants fit me finely and are the very thing I wanted.
I also recieved a long letter from you a day before the
Box came, I am sorry to ear of the manner in which
Harvins people are behaving toward you, but christmas
is not far of now and tell Papa not to let him stay
a day longer on any consideration, we have treated the
old rascal to kindly, and this is the manner in which
he repays you in my absence, I thought he was a man
of a better principle but I have been mistaken
I was very much alarmed when I read of the sow taking
hold of poor little Maggie, if she is getting dangerous put
her up and kill her right away, as she may try it
again when you are not there [to] protect the child, I
should never have got over it had she been crippled.
[page 2]
I will not need any shoes from home as I sent to Columbia
to Mr Oliver by Breazeale, to make me a pair of Heavy Boots for
the winter, Breazeale will call and get them as he comes on, I dont
know of anything else I will need except a pair of woolen gloves, if
you can get them before Stephen starts back and send me a pair.
Tell Ma we are very much obliged to her for the dried Beef
and wine, they are both rarities in the camp.
I lent Gus McAlister twenty dollars sometime before
he started, and I told him to pay it to you, so you can
get Papa or Jink to get it from him for you. I do not need
it here just now. You said Gilkison had never come nigh
you since he came home. I understand he is a pretty hard
case to get money out of anyhow, so you had better get
uncle John Todd who lives right by him to get corn or wheat
or anything of that sort that you can dispose of for cash
from him to the amount, if you cant get the money.
Give my kindest Regards to Grand Ma, and tell her I will
try and find out uncle Addison the first chance I
have, there is a Texas Regiment not very far from us and
I expect he is in it, if he is I will have no difficulty in
finding him.
The Boys wishes me to return their thanks to you for the
nice pelmettoes you sent, they are all very proud of them. I
kept the feather with yours and Maggies hair in it for myself.
I dont know of any news in camp just now that would
interest you, there is rumors of Battles every day but nothing
certain about them, while i am writing this I can
[age 3]
hear the heavy booming of cannon in the direction
of Evansport on the Potomac, but that is nothing new
to us, as they have a fuss there every day or two, firing
at the yankee ships trying to pass our battries, our
boys suceed sometimes in capturing one or two of them
laden with clothing provisions &c for their troops, which
pays us very handsomely for the powder and shot used
in taking them. Generals Johnston and Beauregard are
both here at present, and the general impression is that
they expect another attack at this point, I hope it
may be so, for we are prepared to give them a tremendous
whipping this time should they be fool enough to
attempt it, our men are all in the finest of spirits
and anticipate great results, for our Cause should
a battle take place, no one doubts his abilities to
whip at least four yankes and the late affair at Leesburg
has given us all fresh courage, so that altogether we will
be pretty hard to whip.
I had a letter from Tom yesterday he thinks our little
Maggie is the greatest child he ever saw. I will write
him as soon as I finish this, tell Jink he owes me a letter
I should like to hear from him, should we have stirring times
I will give him all the particulars
Give my kindest Regards to all the family, tell Billy Smith
Gambriell has been and is still sick with dysentary but is
fast improving. Kiss our little angel for me, and tell her
I will ship the Hog for biting my little pet, and reserve
to yourself the warmest affection of you devoted
[on back of page 1]
Dugan is quite well, noting further from James
Captain William Anderson, Captain Co. J, 4th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers (Palmetto Sharpshooters)
MSS 10366
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