I received your kind letter the other day
and was glad to hear that you all was well
but Hayes and he was on the mend and
I hope he is agoing about by this time
I have binn unwell myself for better than
two weeks but I have never binn past
going and I am know about well I was
glad to hear that you was getting along
so well seeding as you was you said
that Cummings was plowing with
turk & tom I would like to be there
with him plowing Jack & Rock but I
am hear and you are their Cummings may
may[sic] plow and I will fight the yankees
but I hope I will see you all in the
Spring. Our time will be out in the
last of may. we are still hear four or
five miles from green brier river last knight
was a verry cold knight we have had
frost out here the trees
be stript out I hear our paymaster has
come at last we will get forty dollers
this payment our Company gets
their pay this eavning
[page 2]
Pa I have no news to write to you
for we are out hear where we cannot
get any news. I got one payment today
it was $40.00cts If I had any chance I would
send $20.00 of it home--you all mus not
expect many letters from me while
we are out hear for I have started
letters to you all that you have not
got. You all must not be uneasy
about me if you dont get any letter
from me for I have a bad chance to
write while we are out hear. write
to me and lette me know how hayes is getting
if we move from hear I will write
as soon as we get stationed, but we may
stay hear untill we go in to winter
Quarters. direct your letters as before
and I will get them. I started a letter
to martha the other day. you must
excuse bad writing for my pen is bad
and my ink is worse. I dont know
whether you can read it or knot
but read it if you can As the wind
is blowing and it is disagreeable I will
bring my letter to a close so no more
at present, but remain you affectionate
Son William R. Gilmer
MSS 5194
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