Friday, May 27, 2011

1861 May 27 Richmond [Virginia]

Record of the Proceedings
of a
Called meeting of the Board of
Visitors of the
University of Virginia
held in the
City of Richmond
May 27th 1861
by Call of the Rector

The Board met in the law-
office of P.H. Aylett--at
one o'clock. Present--Col.
T.J. Randolh, Rector, Wm H. Terrell,
Esq. Col. Jno B. Baldwin, P.H. Aylett
Esq. & Franklin Minor. The
meeting was called to order by
the Rector & on motion of Mr Aylett....

It being stated to the Board
by a member that the Laboratory
& Professor of Chemistry at the
University can render efficient
service to the state at this time by
the manufacture of fulminating
powder for caps & fuses

Therefore Resolved
That the whole means & materials
of chemical preparation at the Univ-
versity be offered to the State for
immediate service....

A communication was received from
the Governor of the State, in the following
words--to wit--

Executive Department
Richmond, May 17th 1861
To the Rector & Visitors
of the University of Va.
The following advice of Council
approved by the Governor is respectfully
submitted to the Board of Visitors of
the University of Virginia:

Th Council unanimously advise
that the Board of Visitors be requested
to establish at the University of Virginia
a laboratory in connection with the Ordi-
nance department of the State for the
purpose of assisting in the preparation
of munitions of war, & that this duty
of superintendence & management be assigned
to professors, to whom no additional com-
pensation shall be given....

The following resolutions were offered
by Mr Minor, to wit.

Resolved 1. That a School of Military
Science & Civil Engineering
be estab-
lished in the University.

2. That the instruction in the school
of Military Science & Civil Engineering
shall be given by a Professor & two
assistant instructors.

3. That the professor shall be appointed
by the Board, & shall receive the same
salary & allowance for house rent as
the other professors; & that the assistant
instructors shall be appointed as as-
sistants are now appointed in other schools.

4. That in this School shall be
taught the Science of War, in all its
branches, & Civil Engineering, & a degree
shall be awarded in this school in the
same manner & on the same principles
as in ^'the' other schools, with the title of "Graduate
in the School of Military science & civil
engineering: & a Certificate of proficiency
may be awarded in the branches of
Civil Engineering or tactics separately.

5. The fees for instruction in this school
shall be _____

6. That students may attend the class
of Civil Engineering or tactics, without at-
tending the whole school or paying for
either Class----

7. That the class of tactics shall be
opened immediately for a course of instruc-
tion is to be continued during the vacation,
the fee for which course shall be _______

8. That the Board will proceed at once
to the selection of a Professor of Military
Science & Civil Engineering, who shall
forthwith organize the class of tactics
with such assistant instructors temporarily
or permanently appointed, as he can get
& make the necessary arrangements to continue
it until the 18th day of October next....

On motion of Mr. Minor
Resolved 1. That the Rector be requested
to apply to the Governor of the State for
such supply of muskets & other small
arms as will be needed for the
class of Tactics & army organization
& for one or more cannon for the
use of the school in artillery drill.....

5. That the annual appropriation
to the library be suspended until further
action of the Board....

The Board then adjourned sine

Franklin Minor
Secretary pro. temp.

Th. J. Randolph Rector

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