Head Quarters, Va forces,
Richmond, Virginia,
General orders
no. 7
In order that there may
be no misapprehension it is hereby
ordered that the State of Virginia will
not be held responsible for any extra
charge by Rail Road companies, for
running extra trains for the transport-
ation of persons employed in the mil-
itary service of the State, freight,
supplies, munitions of war etc. without
express authority in writing from the
Quarter Master in Richmond in charge
of the Department of Transportation.
But in case of extraordinary
emergency this rule will be waived
so far as to empower Rail-Road
officers to telegraph to the Quarter Master
General at Richmond for authority
[page 2]
to employ extra trains if it shall be
considered absolutely essential for the
interests of the public service.
No compensation will be made
for the transportation of any persons in
the military service, freight, supplies,
munitions of war, etc. [except supplies
to the subsistence Department] unless
specially authorized by the aforesaid
Quarter Master, or some other officer
with written authority from the Quarter
Masters' Department, or some one of the
General officers commanding Divisions,
or Departments of the State.
subsistence supplies will be
consigned to the Commissary of Subsis-
tence at the point of destination, and
a receipt from him, or an authorized
officer of his Department, will be
considered a sufficient voucher
for payment.
All officers of Rail-Road
companies are requested to render
[page 3]
their accounts weekly, to be accom-
panied by the written orders from
properly authorized officers as
specified aforesaid, as vouchers,
when said accounts will be duly
examined and certified to by the
Quarter Master's Department for
payment thereof.
Troops, baggage, munitions
and subsistence stores from other
States will be forwarded from
Weldon and Goodson without any
special order.
By order of Maj. Genl. Lee.
R. S. Garnett
Adj. Genl.
MSS 640
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