Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1861 [May 24?] [Wheeling, Virginia?]


Below will be found a complete list of the Traitors and Rebels of Wheeling, Va., who voted May 23, 1861, for the infamous Ordinance of Secession, adopted by the usurpers in the Richmond, Va., Convention.

John Hunter, formerly of Steubenville, Ohio.
Nicholas Crawley, Grocer, Market Square.
J. W. Mitchell, Lawyer.
George Wheller, clerk under John M'Collo, of Co. Court.
eugene Zane, son ofo Ebenzar Zane, deceaed.
R. A. Stansbury, son of Job Stansbury.
John H. Towers, Clerk with Thomas Hughes.
Aaron Kelly, Nail Factory, Benwood.
John Knote, Saddler, Main street.
Edmund P. Zane, Lawyer.
Aber Keyes, clerk with Thomas Hughes.
Dr. Alfred Hughes, brother of Thomas Hughes.
Coorod Goldsborough.
A. F. Hullihen, dentist.
T. E. Askew, Confectioner.
James M. Bulger, Coffee House.
Thomas Hughes, Clothing House.
Charles W. Seabright, clerk with T. Hughes.
Rodolph Over.
Wm. Wharton.
Michael Riley, Grocer and Liquors, Market & Monroe sts.
J. B. Riley, clerk with M. Riley.
John W. Orr, shoemaker, from Washington, Pa.
J. Updegraff, Steamboat Captain.
J. L. Faunce, from Smithfield, Ohio.
John L. Maxwell, clerk.
Ira Sanger, a New Yorker.
Ebenzer McCoy, botanic doctor.
Walter G. Scott, carpenter.
Wm. Miller, foundry, near creek bridge.
Robert Ibertson, Grocer, corner Market and Union sts.
John Bulger, Saddler.
W.B. Miller, foundry, creek bridge.
John Webb.
Wm. Goudy, sr., carpenter.
James Sweeney, sr., brick maker.
Joseph Caulwell.
William C. Phillips.
Phillip W. Moore, Editor Union.
Tom Strain.
Jerome Pool,coffee house, Washington Hall.
J. H. McNash, formerly of Bosley & McNash.
Thomas M. Riley, (M. Riley's son).
Phil Riley, do do
John L. Bonham, firm of Matthews & Bonham.
James Hamlin, South Wheeling.
Dr. James W. Clemins.
Miles Riley, drayman.
Andrew White, clerk North-Western Bank.
Peter Letcher, Catholic Bookseller, Washington Hall.
Henry Dunlap.
Henry Moore, from Washington, Pa.
George Henry, cigar maker.
Jobe Stansbery, sexton East Wheeling graveyard.
Andy A. Gillespy.
A. M. Phillips, Jr.
Harrison Saylards.
Thos. J. Gardner, lumber merchant, North Wheeling.
H. W. Phillips, Machinist and Foundry, North Wheeling.
C. W. McKinstry.
A. M. Phillips, Sr.
A. J. Pannell, Lumber Merchant, near Custon House.
W. G. Goshorn.
Alexander Pannell, carpenter.
Daniel Steenrod, Esq.
Hon. Lewis Steenrod.
Wm. P. Wilson, boat builder, firm Wilson, Dunlevy & co.
John W. Betz.
Willaim Stewart, foundry.
Maddis Ruse.
Dan Dunbar, Engineer.
Wm. McCoy, Cashier of Savings Institute.
Daniel Zane (Island).
John L. Fry, son of J. L. Fry.
D. J. Dores.
Peter Francis.
S. D. Woodrow.
William Switzer.
William Purcell.
William Otterson, Railroad stone mason.

Broadside 1861 .T 73

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