Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1861 May 17 Alexandria

Col Sam Jones
Yours of the 10th inst enclo
sing note from Capt J Shac Green
did not reach ^'me' until this evening
too late to advise Capt Green of
my willingness to muster his com
pany into service on to-morrow.

I have written to him notify
-ing him that I will muster his
company into service on Mon-
-day next..

Many of the privates in com
panies here have refused to take
the oath prescribed by art 10 of
the articles of war. Various reasons
are assigned by them. A notion pre
vails that it does not apply to the
voluntary forces, & on this point in
order to avoid difficulty I have ask
ed instructions of Genl Cocke,

I am very respectfully
your obdt servt
George Wm Brent
Maj Va Forces

George William Brent, 1821-1872, University of Viginia alumnus and Fauquier County lawyer; Delegate to the Virginia Secession Convention (voted "nay"). Later Colonel and A.A.G. to both Beauregard and Bragg.

Samuel Jones, 1819-1887, graduated from West Point and saw service in the Mexican War. Chief of Artillery to Beauregard at 1st Mannassas. To Major General in 1862. Served in both the Department of Western Virginia and the Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

John Shackelford Green, 1817-1891, a Rappahannock County farmer, was captain of the Co. B., 6th Virginia Cavalry. Rose to Lt. Colonel.

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