Wednesday, December 19, 2012

1862 December 20 East New York

                           East New York
                             Dec. 20th, 1862
Dear Parents
                 How different this
Sabbath evening seems from
what a New England Sabbath
used to seem to me--the
rumbling of the cars, the calling
of the guard &c makes it  hard
for me to realize that it is
the Sabbath.
  Last Sunday evening
heard Beecher. his text was in
acts 26 chap. 29th verse. I tell
you it was grand.  I wanted
to hear him again this evening
but could not go in to the city
very well-Have to content myself
with reading my Bible, Meditation
& prayer.  I fear I do not pray enough
one in such a place as this

[page 2]
should pray all of the time.
I am thankful that I love
to pray, and to think of God's
goodness & mercy to me.
Neither of the Surgeons are
professors of religion, and our
Chaplin do'nt amount to
pea soup  he is a Universalist
Manson was taken sick when
we first came he resigned and
went home.  Dr. R. L. Harlow is
Surgeon now Dr's A. J. Libby
& J. a. Morton assts.
  Dr. Libby is sick and will
probably resign and return
home as soon as he is able
he is from Canaan
Dr. Thomas our Hosp. Steward
has been appointed asst.
Surgeon in the 21st Regt.
and your humble Servt. is
Hosp. Steward.

[page 3]
Capt. Deering, Capt. Brown,
Capt. Vaughan & two or three
other Capts. & five or six Lieuts.
have been placed under arrest
for signing a petition
requesting the Col. to resign
I dont know which will
come out ahead. should'nt wonder
however if Deering was sent
Saw Cyrus & [Berny?] to day
they are well.
I have been stopping in
a tent for the past two weeks
like it very well.
It has been very cold
here for the past few days
Have plenty of blankets
& sleep warm.
  There is some talk of
our leaving here pretty soon
I dont think we shall go

[page 4]
before a fortnight-
I received a bundle of
chronicles last evening, dated
Dec 4th
     Your affectionate Son
              C. P. Morrill

MSS 11031

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