Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1862 December 19 Fort Tillinghast

[letter of Robert Mansfield, begun on the 17th, continues]

                           Friday eve Dec 19th
I have been waiting all this time for

[page 3]
a letter from you, I have not
received any from you, since yours
of Dec 7th.  this afternoon I have
received yours of Dec 17th containing
the Bill for my box. I have not
been expecting to have it for some
time to come, it wont come amiss
however,  There is not real need of
sending the bill, for the box You
could Keep the bill, and if there
was any trouble, I could send
for it. It took me quite by surprise
when I read that Ada Augusta
was better, by not receiving your
last letter, I did'nt know that
she had been sick, I am glad
now that I did'nt know of it
before, I shall probably get the box
to-morrow (Saturday) night, if I do
I will write Sunday,  Mrs Chandler
and Mrs Pecker, have left camp for

[page 4]
Washington, today they start for
home on Monday next, One of
my mess has just come in with
the news that Secratary [sic] Seward
and Burnside, have resigned,
if such is the case, I think there
will be a great commotion some
where, I am not going to put my
postage stamp on this letter
for the good reason that I have
not got one, so I dont know
whether you will get it or not
I dont think of anything more to
write tonight, only to repeat, Please
send me some Stamps, and give
my love to all of our friends, Kiss
our darlings again for me, and
ever believe me the same in
love for you my dear and much
loved wife, through distance and time.
Robert P. Mansfield, Co. M., 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery

MSS 1242

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