Tuesday, July 10, 2012

1862 July 9 Savage Station, Va.

Savage Station Va. July 9th/62
Dear parents
                  I suppose you have
been very anxious to hear from
me for some time but calm all
your fears for I am still alive
and as well as I have been for
some time I have attended to my
duty all the time in takeing care
of the sick and wounded, since I
wrote to you I cannot discribe to
you the sciens suffuring I have
witnessed since I came to this
place although the men have as
good care as could be expected, under
the circumstances the Southern
soldiers use us first-rate we get
enough to eat and drink and we
have our liberty to go where we
please if we do not try to get
away i wrote to you the 3rd of this

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month and I presume you got
the letter in due time if you want
to write to me I do not know of
any better way than to direct
to Washington D. C. co. H. fifth
Me. Regt. in care of Capt. Bucknam
then if there is any way for me
to get it he will send it to me
I have not much time to write
for I have nine wounded men
to take care of and it keeps me
buisy nearly all the time there
is talk about the men here being
parolled if this is so we shall
all be to our respective homes n
a short time try and take care
of yourselves as well as you can
and do not wory about me for I
am getting along first rate my
lame back is not well yet but by
being carful I can do all the work
there is to be done for the men in
under my charge.  I think of

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home and all its pleasures very
often and I hope the time is
not far distant when I can
return to it again tell Walter
to be a good boy and take
care of all the things as well as
he can and do all the work he
can I have no more time to
write so I will close
                 Yours truly
               Hiram M. Cash

Hiram M. Cash, Co. K, 5th Maine Infantry

MSS 12916

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