Monday, July 30, 2012

1862 July 31 Camp near Mechanicsksville

Camp near Mechanicksville
July 31. P.M. 1862

Dear Charley:
    I have broken my trunk key
& in consequence have to write with pencil,
a plan I once affected, but now condemn--
I have the pleasure of sending herewith your
application duly signed, & I hope you may
speedily effect your purpose.  You must now
get an approval from the Officers of the com-
mand you propose to join. The case is decided
by Gen. Lee, so the adj. at Ten Jackson's head
quarters told me this morning.  I am sorry
to lose you from this corps, as I can be with the
21st frequently, but I highly approve you join-
ing the cavalry; & then, besides, you will be with
Jenny, & probably nearer home. We are now
pleasantly encamped near brethren Good-
man, Quarles, et idomne genus, &
invitations abound, some of which I ac-

[page 2]
cept.  I have daily worship, but dont
do much visiting among the men--Sundry
things & specially my diffidence pre-
   doing it to much purpose
vent ^ We are not having drills since we
came here, abut courts of inquiry, inspec-
tions, reports, & a general righting up of
of things--Everything is rather dull--While I
was at your Reg this A.M. I witnessed
one fisticuff, & an Irishman bucked for
getting drunk.  Just now two Louisianans
were marched by here to Gen. Ewell, bear-
ing two sides of a shoat they had killed-
They were sentenced to wear the meat round
their necks till it smelt.  No one under-
stands our late move, but most regard
it merely strategie--I suppose it has
reference to Pope's taking command of the
"on to Richmond army." Nous venions.  If
you want me to furnish you a horse, let
me know, & I will see  what I can do.
If you all write at once, send to Gordonsville
Love to all. Your loving Bro George

[in top margin page 1]
Hill's division has come, & I learn others are coming]

George Taylor, Confederate chaplain, brother of future Wake Forest University president Charles Elisha Taylor

MSS 3091

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