Thursday, July 26, 2012

1862 July 27 Camp near Harrison's Landing, Va.

                           Camp Near Harrisons Landing Va
J                                         July 27th 1862

Dear Br. Charlie
                        I have been expecting to hear from
you for some time past but as nothing has yet ar-
rived & supposing that you want to hear from me
will address you a short letter. My health is fine
now and I enjoy myself very well and keep in the
shade as much as possible.  The weather is very
hot but occasionaly have cooling showers.  the health
of the troops is improving and the army of the Potomac
is in excellent spirits.  Oscar is well & is now performing
the duties of a corporal in his company, I think if
nothing happens he will stand a good chance for
promotion in course of time.  I rec'd a note from
Henry Thompson this morning stating that if I
would send on a recommendation he would
do what he could in the way of procuring a commission
What do you think about it?  can anything be
done? I can get a recommendation which I

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think I will do on the morrow & forward to Thompson.
I suppose you are very busy just now during the haying
season and I would like to pay you a visit & snuff the
orders of the new made hay.  It has been a long  time since
I have seen haying carried on in eastern style, the hay in
Minnesota being principally made of wild grass, which
abounds in the meadows & marshy places.
Our (Summers) Corps had a review on Tues. last & made
a splendid appearance.  Out of the 124 regiments on the ground
besides several batteries, only two received special notice viz.
the 19th Mass regiment & the 1st Minn which were complimented
in an order issued by Gen. Sumner himself, for their fine
appearance & excellent discipline.  Our reg. is bound to shine
in any thing in which they take part.
I have heard nothing at all from home for nearly a
month and have about given up hearing again.  I rec'd
a couple of papers a couple of days since directed in your
hand writing for which I am much obliged.  I will en-
deavor to send you some as soon as there is anything
of interest in such as we get.  Please give my love to all
inquiring friends and I will ever subscribe myself
                             Your aff. Brother
                                                               A.S. Davis

Alfred Seymour Davis,  1st Minnesota

MSS 11338

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