Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1862 August 1 Camp near Harrison Landing, Va.

Camp Near Harrisons Landing Va.
                   July Aug 1st 1862

Dear Sister
               Yours of the 28th Ult was
rec'd this evening, as also one from
R.T. Woodard, and glad to learn that
you have passed the busy & exciting
scenes of anniversary week & come
out successfully.  My health is first
rate now and as hearty as ever.
Matters remain pretty quiet about
here--excepting a little excitement
last night from 12 midnight till
3 o'clock.  The rebels brought down
& planted a battery on the other side
of the river opposite our camps
and commenced pouring in volleys
into our transports and troops near
the rifer.  The Gunboats soon were

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brought into action & silenced the [daring?]
depredadors. The shells did not reach as
far back as our camp we were not
in danger, but were put under marching
orders in case any thing serious should hap
pen.   I have not heard the results of the
affair farther than there were several
killed & wounded on our side.  We are now
having as easy times as we can expect &
could we have cool weather should get
along finely. The greatest annoyance we
have  however is the flies which stay
about and intrude their unwelcome
presence at all times a day & threaten
to devour one "sans ceremonie"  It
is difficult to eat without swallowing
more or less of the saucy insects--to
offsett this however there are no musquitoes
I went over to see Isaac to day & found
him in the hospital.  The doctor says he
as a slow fever, and is not dangerous.
He has fallen away very much.  I try to get
him every thing he wants & shall not let him

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as long as I can prevent it.
       I am sorry that the Gov. thinks
he cannot aid me, especially on account
of having a chance to get home, but I
suppose it is all for the best & no great
disappointment as I had anticipated
such results, though if one expects any-
thing he must try for it.  I think the Gov.
is fast in saying it was out of his power to
commission a member of another reg.
for there is an instance in our own com-
pany in which a private rec'd a commission
from the Gov. of N.H. some two months
since & is not discharged yet to my
knowledge--but I am satisfied as well
as pleased for the my friends at home
manifested for me, and am sure they
done their best.
  I have read your essay & think you need
not be at all ashamed of it.  You must
send, if possible a copy of Miss Stanley's.
I wrote to Jo some time ago & am anxiously
expecting an answer.

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I enclose a twenty dollar Treas note
No. 76130. Letter B. & payable at New York
which you will please hand to father &
request him to pay all expenses incurred
in my account & endorse the balance on the
A. Woodward note & have some one write
me immediately on its receipt.  My love to
all & I will close as it is getting quite late.
        Your aff. Brother
                            A.S. Davis

Allen Seymour Davis, 1st Minnesota.

MSS 11338

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