Tuesday, July 10, 2012

1862 July 8 Harrison's Landing, Va.

                     In the Wilderness, Near
                          Harrison Landing on
                           the James River Va.
                           Tuesd July 8th 1862

Mrs Edward Shephard
                            Yesterday we
were made glad by recieving a
number of letters from home
and friends.  Edward received three
one from you, his sister, & John
Clark which togather proved quite
a large quantity of reading
matter. Well since I wrote
last we have made several
hasty movements towards the
James River experiencieing consid-
erable of Pribvations and suffering

[page 2]
however here we are today
in the woods about a mile
from the river awaiting fur-
-thur orders. the infantry troops
are busily engaged throwing up
breastworks.  You wish to know
how we fare here- we have
enough some days, (such as it is)
and some days go without.
Suffice it to say that if we
return I think we will be
satisfied with what the table
affords.   I think that Saul
Hanks will not be noticed
much with his various reports.
Edward did not see him on
the day of the battle, and as
for me being absent ten days
it is false.  I should think
he would know better than to
worry our friends with such

[page 3]
incredulous stories, but you
must "judge from whence it
came".  In my former letter
was enclosed ten dollars $10
and Edward wished some fish
hooks.  Please write if you re
-ceive it.  Ed has a bile
on his ankle, and dont feel
like writing.  I will write
to Clark as soon as conven
-ient.  the weather is extreem
warm here now, and the heat
increases every day--Take
good care of the boy we may
return the day may not
be far distant when this
war will be brought to a close
May God grant it.
    Remember us to friends and
         I remain With Respt
                             W H Knapp

MSS 12631

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