Monday, July 9, 2012

1862 July 7 Fauquier County, Va.

[from the diary of Anne Madison Willis Ambler as transcribed by her granddaughter in 1972]

Monday July 7 1862

Arose very early in order to dress & read
my letter-  Mary Cary & Fannie walked before
breakfast- They met Mr. Leonard, who told
them he could not go into Warrenton as there
were 6000 Yankees there--  So, I am disappointed
again-  No letter yet=  It made me sick.  I took
a nap directly after breakfast- but did not feel
any better.  It seems to me that all this blood
in my veins has stood still all day-  I have
borne up, & I can bear it no longer-  I ache, my
heart is bursting to hear from you.-  Can you
be alive? I feel that you may be dead.
I tried to read, & I tried to sew, but did not
accomplish much of either.  I feel thoroughly
unsettled--Oh, if I could only trust in
God & feel assured that all is for the best.
My heart is so  unsteady, my faith is so weak-
=Oh God, strengthen me against the great
conflict by daily learning to bear with patience,
humbleness,  & meekness, all the petty trials
which beset me.  What can I do?  What
will become of me in this world if you are
taken from me--Oh teach me Patience
Let me learn to take care of to day & let to-
morrow take care of itself.
Father heard that the valley was evacuated &
their armies sent to Richmond. I should say
they were just leaving.

MSS 15406

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