Monday, July 2, 2012

1862 July 2 Camp Carlile Va.

                  Camp Carlile Va
J  uly 2nd 1862 Wednes Eve.

Dear Cousin
                          It is with
some difficulty that I write
you.  I am well and
doing finely, vut can hard
ly find a desent place to
write on--i am writing
on a box about two feet high
and am sitting on the ground
We left Camp Butler on
Friday last and arrived
here on Monday evening
We had a good time making
our journey came through
Indianna and Ohio We
passed through a part of
Indianna and a part of Ohio
on Sunday  The People turned

[page 2]
out in great numbers
at every station.  At
Dayton about 6 thousand
thronged about the Cars
while we stoped. The young
ladies gave many of the boys
beauquets and brought us
Cakes and Pies O! and
dont I love some of them,
though? This camp is a
very nice one and is sit-
uated on an island between
the Ohio and Virginnia shores
of the Ohio river.  Well Eli
Hank is in our enemies country
and is just as willing to fight
Secesh as ever.  You are right
I wouldent be any thing but
a soldier.  I want you to
tell me what young man said
that I would come home if I
could I would have like to had
been there on the 28th. I suppose

[page 3]
that you had a good time
I want you to write and tell
me all about it Give me the
particulars.  The crops looked
rather backward in Indianna
and the corn in Ohio.  The wheat
was being harvested all through
Ohio and appeared very well--
Harvesting is nearly done here
The country looks rough I tell
you. Nothing but rocks and
hills. Surround us Eli I cant
begin to tell you anything about
how the country You can look
on the map and learn where I am
I am just above Balar on the
Ohio Shore and on an ialand
belonging to Virginna called
Wheeling  Wheeling is a very nice
town.  Eli I wish that I
could see you about one
hour so that I could tell
you all about our business

[page 4]
Well Eli you must
write to me soon and
tell me all the news Tell
me all about the girls
in general.  Give my
regards to the School mam
and all other young lades
regars to all you folks
and all of you write to
Hank Your True Cousn
and Friend
                 W H Redman
Direct to W. H. Redman
12th Ills. Cavelry
Company C
Camp Carlisle
Eli Mead   Esqr

MSS 7415

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