Wednesday, July 18, 2012

1862 July 19 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Saturday 19 Quite a cool morning -- Sum
mer clothing too cool for comfort
Board of Directors made a present
to Mr Jellie of $300, in consequence
of the high price of living  I made
no opposition--but I am as much
entitled to it as he--and after which
shall claim it.  With our in-
vestments if all go well we shall
do a good business-in spite of a
low line of discounts--In the evening
went to call on Mrs. Rodes, who in
formed me of the death of Col. Pegues
of the 5th Ala.  Hew was wounded in the
Savage fight in the shoulder--but
not seriously, and was considerd in
no danger--Erisypelas  [?]
and caried  him off.  Mr. R. spoke
in high terms of his character as
a gentlemen.  His wife was with
him. this must make Eugene
the Major of the Regt.  It is moe
than probable it will make him
Lt. Col.  the present Lt. Col. is utter
ly unfit to command the reidg regi
-ment = was slightely wounded at
"Seven Pines" and did not behave
well on the field it is said from a
scratch which ought not to have
made himleave his command, he got
a furlough & went home.  Rodes
told me--he should not return
to the regiment--that he would sum
mon a court and expose his incompe-
tence--This he will the more certainly
do now when the command of the
Regiment falls upon him.  I am glad
of course of Eugenes promotion, which
he deserves by his faithful service,
knowledge of his duties and  [brilliant?] or [thrilling?]
gallantary in the three of the hardest
fights of the campaign--His com-
pany is nearly destroyed & he will
have the less trial in parting with
it. I must look out for a horse
and servanta for him.  Tis strange
he has not written to me or his poor
mother--In many of his letters
last summer, he said he knew he
should rise in the service if oppor
tunity  presented.  He is the best quali
fied man of the regiment to command
it now--indeed  as Rodes said the
only man fit to do it.

MSS 4763

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