Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1862 July 10 Fort Albany

[letter of Robert, an unidentified soldier in the 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, begun on July 7 and continued on July 9th, concludes]

                              Thursday Morn July 10th

Yesterday we were paid off.  I shall send you
Twenty two dollars, this time, which you can
get by going to the mayor of Lynn.  I did not
receive my fourteen dollars per month, this
pay day, but I shall the next if I am in
Uncle Sam's service.  I went to Alexandria
yesterday, on duty, as Provost Guard, to bring
in some of our men who had gone there
without leave, I expect to have to go to Wash
ington today on the same business.  I keep
four dollars of my money, one dollar more than
I did last time, I owe about two dollars for Boot
mending, Washing &c and I shall have to buy paper
and a few other little necessaries, that I cant

[page 3]
very well do without, I hav'nt much time
to write this morning, as I expect
to be called away on duty, every moment.
Write to me soon, and often, I will
write to you as soon as I am dissmised [sic]
from this "Provost" and let you know, all
that I have seen and heard, I dont know
how long we shall be on this guard, but
I hope for some time.  We see some very
curious performances, in the discharge
of our duty,
                  Good morning dear Wife and
little ones, take good care of yourself, go a
visiting and have a good time as often as
you can,and you will please your true
and loving husband.

MSS 1242

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