Thursday night, May 22, 1862
Nothing of special interest to-day. Intelligence this
morning that Jackson had left, or was leaving the turned
off the Valley Turnpike, at New Market, as some sup
posed to abandon the Valley; but the more probable sup-
position is that he has gone down the road to Front
Royal, where, it is reported, a portion of the Federal
army under Gen. Shields is. Their main force is at
Strasburg. Gen. Heth's dispatch to Richmond claims
a signal success in Giles Co. at the recent fight there.
Tremendous battles near Richmond and Corinth (Miss)
are pending. A man from Highland was in town a few
days ago offering for sale a very elegant pistol. In an
swer to a question, he said he had taken it from a Yan-
kee. "Did you secure the Yankee?" "Yes," said the man. —
"Where is he now?" "I dont know." He proceeded then to
relate that he had often seen the Yankee passing through
the country as a bearer of dispatches, but was afraid to in-
terfere with him while the Federal army had control of
the country. As soon, however, as he heard of their reverse near
McDowell, he and another man went to look out for the ex-
pressman or any other game that might come along. When he
came along, they shot him and secured his horse, equipments
and dispatches. The latter were from Gen. Milroy to a Fed-
eral officer commanding cavalry in the West, giving in-
structions as to his proceedings, that he might escape capture
or give assistance to the his routed friends.
[transcription by the Valley of the Shadow project]
MSS 38-258
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