Sunday, May 27, 2012

1862 May 27 Alexandria, Va.

May 27 1862

Dear Father
I have not recd
any letter from you since
your first two though I
expect to tomorrow or soon
I am gaining strength
slowly but think I shall
not try to go back to my
Reg until Richmond is
taken which I think will
be within a week or two
The news is rather bad
about Banks I supposed that
he had a large force he has
The Rebs can now come to
mannassa junction & cut off
the R.R. communication
with McDowal from this
way but they can be sent by
the way of Acqua creek

[page 2]
I do not think that should
McClellan drive the Rebs from
Richmond they would dare
fall back  on McDowal & on
Washington for ti would take
them some time to march
here & McC would be at their
heels neither could they get
provisions & when they get
to washington they are not
there.  there are some forts to
pass & some troops to dispute
the passage two Reg passed
through the streets last night
one the 26 N.Y. & two today
& there are some troops here
I think by the looks on the
hills there seem to be new
encampments made since
we left I hope that they will
raise 2 or 300  000 more troops
& finish this thing up the
Rebs are straining every

[page 3]
nerve to increase their army
If after leaving Richmond
they go south McC. will
follow them while a part of
McD. & Banks capture these
few thousand that have dared
to venture off so far from
the main army Halleck
I think has got them at
Corinth. But Hunter he
ought to be recalled &
sent back into the
mountains to hunt these
guerilarys & then to raise
a negro Brigade to fight.
(I guess I will resign) it
is well enough & the best
thing they can do to have
them do the work & drudgery
but when they come to fight=
ing I say white men of the
northern army lay down
your arms & go home

[[page 4]
Perhaps you would like
to know what we have to
eat tea or coffee & bread
for supper (this is full
rations where a man is able
to sit up) & breakfast dinner
vegetable soup (which I dont
happen to kike) meat bread & evry
other day potatoes & if we go
out we are not allowed to
fetch any thing in but I get
my nurse to get me Butter
& Eggs I have two eggs fer
breakfast & butter every meal
so I live very well & when
I go out I generaly smuggle
in something I want
Direct Mantion House
Hospital Alexandria Va have
you heard from A. P. Jones lately?
How are H & g getting along in
N.Y. Have you planted garden
yet? Has Old John got entirely
well does he feel as young as
ever?  How does school go off?
How do Fisher & Co make it selling
goods do they sell more than
Bradley Bros? I shall not start fer
my Reg until I know where it is
& I have had no answer from my
letter to Parker they may be sent back to
here they were in no corps. Resp C. E. Bradley

Charles Ellery Bradley, 1842-1915, Co. I, 32nd New York

MSS 9728

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