Thursday, May 31, 2012

1862 June 1 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, former diplomat, and bank officer of Lynchburg, Va., with five sons in the Confederate army]

Sunday June 1--Wakened with the worst
kind of nervous head ache, which
clung to me all day-- Went to the
office and telegraphed to Gwatham
to learn the fate of Eugene--Heard
of some six more of the H. Guard
who were wounded--among the

rest Ro. Berkeley--Communion Sun
day--large number of communicants
-about 3 recd answer from Gwatham
saying Eugene was in the
hottest of the fight yesterday.  he
heard with great gallantry--escaped
unhurt, but had sevl of his men
killed--I never felt more gratified
as I had had many forebodings
Towards night we had certain
intelligence that the fight had been
resumed to day and was going in
our favor--went to the office of
the Republican at 8 P M. --dispatches
came in saying that all reports
concurred the enemy was completely
whipped driven back 5 miles
with the loss of 14 cannons and
that our men had pursued them
into the swamp  carnage dreadful
on both sides--Then renewal of
the fight renews my anxiety about
Eugene--Came home & wrote to
Ro. Saunders, who had sent a ser-
vant on for the news--There was
a most terrible storm of Rain Friday
night in Richd & vicinity, which
swelled the Chicahominy, & served a
good purpose for us.

MSS 4763

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