Wednesday, May 30, 2012

1862 May 31

                               Richmond May 31, 1862
W. H. Perry Jr. Esq.
           Dr Sir
              Your father writes me, that he had sent to our
care by Express, a box “containing things, that will spoil if left long this weather”
and requests us to send them to you as soon as possible – We have been at a
good deal of trouble to try & find a conveyance, without success, and write this
hopeing it may reach you, that you may embrace the first opportunity by
some wagon comeing into town, to get the box, which has arrived. If you
see an opportunity, have it sent for to our office, and in the mean time, we will
continue our efforts to send it out, if a chance opportunity occurs.
                                                          Yrs Respy etc
                                          McKinney & Duprey
Perry was in the Richmond Howitzers

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 7786-d

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