Monday, May 21, 2012

1862 May 21 University of Virginia, Charlottesville

U. of Va  May 21st 62
Gen J. H. Cocke

My Dear Friend

I am much indebted to you for a copy
of Rev. Mr. Tyree's sermon occasioned
by the death of your lamented son, the
late Gen Philip St. George Cocke--
Te discourse is sensible, evangelical
and appropriate--Th sketch of the ch-
-aracter of the deceased, tho' meagre in
the extreme, as it must be in a sermon
has fidelity to the original--Shall there
appear, ere long, a more extended biog-
raphical portrait of Gen Cocke?
Let us all take comfort in the thou-
-ght that the time of separation is but
short--and that in the mean time all
things work together for good--all things
are ours and we in Christs and Christ
in Gods--The glory of God is the good of his creatures

[page 2]
We seem to be thought safe here Refu-
gees are pouring in upon us from Rich-
mond and elsewhere--Dr Cabell and family
have removed to Danville--where Mrs Bledsoe
and her daughters had preceded them--Dr C.
was ordered to organize a hospital in Danville
Our friend Borden staid a week with us
after you left and his servant boyd[?] (who
I hope reached you safe) a week longer--We
have hear nothing from either of them
since they left--Rev Dr Wm J. Hoge has gone
to housekeeping on the premises of Prof Gildersleeve
(in Spooner's grove) and is thus our neighbor--
Lectures still go on in the University--but
to very reduced classes--Mine is somewhat
augmented by the amateur attendance of Bros
Norton and Hoge--and Prof. Gildersleeve
Mrs McGuffey (who has not been well for some
days) joins me in kindest regards to you and
yours--you sincere friend WH McGuffey]]

[page 3]
Tell uncle Ned and
aunt Felicia that
Lavinia is well and
doing well--she is
(and uncle Ned will
like to hear that) fond
of going to church. tho'
she dont like to read
very much-----

William Holmes McGuffey, Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Virginia since 1845,
General John Hartwell Cocke, the last surviving member of the original Board of Visitors to the University

MSS 640

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