Sunday, May 13, 2012

1862 May 14 Jeffersonville

Camp near Jeffersonville may the 14th 1862

Dear Pa

I will try to write you a few lines
this eavening to let you kow[sic] that I am well hopeing
you all are well Cumming has had a tolerabale  bad
cold but is better.  we left saltsville last sunday
and by hard marching got hear monday eavening
we have to carry all clothes and blanket we are very
near as well loaded as martials pack mules.  we have
marching orders to leave hear to marrow morning
the new is that both sides ar building brest
works. we think we will have a fite before
long.  we have been organiseing our army yesterday
& today our reg was organised  More was elected
Colonel. Major Giles was elected lieutenant colonel
we have got shed of colonel Lee all the old companies
was organised and new ones to our old officers
reelected but Andrew Ferquson Samuel Level
opposed him and beat him that I thought was out
of the question, but that organisation was all nocked
in the head and Andrew got his plase at last. our
first organisation stood which of course was write
Pa I have  heard of too or three fight in which
our men was sucksessful  I heard that Jackson
had a fit and whiped the yankees bad I want you
to write to me as soon as you can let me know whether
rives was hurt or not direct your letter jefferson
ville Co G care of colonel More.  Charles H Browing
is not very well that trip with the wagons
injured him right smart I think is better
he marche all the time and carried his napsack

[page 2]
write soon lem [let me?] know how things are
going on.  this is the last sheat of paper
I have if I dont get me some paper I can
not write if I dont write you need not be uneasy
no more at present

your Affectionate son
Charles H. Gilmer

Cumings Gilmer

Charles H.Gilmer, 29th Virgnia Infantry

MSS 5194

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