Lafitte Feb 5th 1862
My dear sir
I have been here now a week
& wish to tell my dear Georgia and
yourself of my well being--as usual
I have found many things needing
my attention--direction & control-
In the main things have gone
on well during the past year-
The crop was fair, of corn & cotton, a surplus
of pork made which few can say in
this region--some seven infants born & none
dead & all this time all operations in a
good state of forwardness--I shall
plant little over a half crop of
cotton--Next week I will leave
here god willing, go down to New Orleans,
& make provision for some more supplies
& return back home as quickly as
I can--My heart is in Virginia &
though I enjoy peace of mid, I
feel as if I were doing wrong in
staying here a day longer than I
could help----My journey was
free from any unpleasant incidents
The burning of the bridges had delayed
[page 2]
the train & I was obliged to pass a
night & part of a day in Knoxville. That
I did not regret. a party of the
misguided Union bridge burners tied well
& looking very disconsolate went in the
train with me to take up their
abode at Tuscumbia ala in the
Mis state Pen.y. some had been hung
during the first excitement
Genl McCulloch was with me in
the train & as usual I heard & learned
much that was interesting--
I wrote to Fanny the other day, as
she is the older than Georgia & stands
more in her dignity. Kiss my grand-
sons for me--I trust they
keep well--My best love to
Fan when you write to her my
dear Georgia
I have no time to add more than
my best love to you both
J.R. Bryan
D A G Grinnan
Dr. Andrew G. Grinnan
Brampton near
Orange Ct House
By Carter, let him pass to his master Dr Grinnan
in Madison near Orange Ct H
JR Bryan
John Randolph Bryan, 1806-1887, godson of John Randolph of Roanoke.
Dr. Andrew Glassell Grinnan, 1827-1902, his son-in-law
Georgia Screven Bryan Grinnan, 1837-1912, his daugher
Frances Tucker Bryan, 1835- , his daughter
Nothing else is know of Carter, the slave trusted to carry a letter from Mississippie to Virginia
MSS 49
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