Camp near Centreville
Feb. 6th, 1862
Dear Pa:
Mr Blakemore has just informed me that he will
leave tomorrow morning for Front Royal and has kindly con-
sented to be the bearer of this note to you which will be
accompanied by a haversack filled with dirty clothes which
you will please ask Ma to have washed and returned as soon
as possible.
I received my box the other day. It came all safe
and was very acceptable.
It has been raining here almost constantly for three
weeks past and such roads I never saw. It is almost impossi-
ble to get along with an empty wagon much less with a load.
We have a terrible time getting wood on account of the awful
condition of the roads. Willie has just returned from the
woodw with a load of wood which we had to cut up and put in
our house late at night to prevent its being stolen.
Today I believe was Mr. (C. Wheatley's) sale. I
suppose the stock sold very high the horses especially. Who
bought the Telegraph colt? Willie Richardson wanted him. I
wonder what Mr. Johnson would take for his young Telegraph.
Mr. Blakemore has promised to buy the sorrel for Ed. Lehew,
he wants to ride him in cavalry.
You have no idea of the number of horses that are
dying here daily. In the Spring all the horses now in
service will have to be rested and fresh ones put in their
places for they are worked down completely. Watch at the
sale for horses, the army is compelled to have them.
What is Capt. Simpson driving at. We hear down
here that he is putting his furlough to a good use, that he
is raising a cavalry company and has gone to Richmond to get
I heard that Col. Tyler was getting or rather was
trying to get up a Flying Artillery. Is there anything of
it. The recruiting officer will soon be around. A good many
companies have re-enlisted, organized and left for home on
furlough. The next time you write let me know what service
you prefer my going in. I want to try and get with Walter.
When did you hear from him.
Love to all. I must close. Write soon.
Your affec. son.
R. B. B.
Richard Bayly Buck, 1844-1888, Warren Rifles, Co. B of the 17th Virginia.
Letters transcribed at a later date by his son George; location of originals unknown
MSS 1091
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