Monday, February 20, 2012

1862 February 19

19th Feb [1862 written in another hand]

My dear John [Marshall Steptoe of the 44th Virginia]

Your last letter in answer to mine
of the 21st has just been received.
Our news is so bad that I am
completely dishartened Nashville is
said to be in the hands of the Yankees,
that is the latest report we have,
They have taken Fort Donelson
and what will be next. What a
complete triumph it was at Roanoke
Island, I wonder why our men
should have surrendered with so
few casualties, A cousin of mine was
taken prisoner, a Mr Scruggs from
Bedford Poor fellow how I do pitty
him, but he is such a good christian
God will surely protect and watch
over him in his cheerless condition
Tis thought the Western Army will
be transfered to Kentucky I hope
sincerely it is not so if yours the

[page 2]
77th Regiment is included. I feel more
alarmed about the enemy than
I sure was ever, their number so greatly
exceedes ours at every place.

I sholuld so rejoice to think there
was ever a probability of your getting
a furlough, but as the times are I
am almost afraid to breathe much
less to anticipate I am so much afraid
you will be ordered off before
I see you, and ready perhaps the
next was you are in Kentucky
I had a dream last night of
the Yankees Tis said of you dream
of kissing an enemy it denotes
reconciliation (my dream was quite
the reverse, I thought for the first
time I was in a regular combat
I hope it is a good omen. I suppose
you heard of Gen Rodes death
Dr. [?] is to marry Preacher
Langhornes daughter very soon
There is a great deal of sickness
in Lynchburg, and also the county

[page 3]
a good many in the neighborhood
my sister Mrs Spence has been very
sick also the children they are
something better today Bob in his
last trip to Bristol had serious trouble
with the soldiers, He started from
Lynchburg as he thought in good
condition, but when getting as far
as Liberty the engine gave out and
the soldiers fearing the[y] would not
make connection arrested and
kept him under guard all the
way, and threatened to kill him
and every one connected with the
train if they did not make connection
I see the particulars in todays
Republican published by President
Owens who was quite enraged at
such conduct to an inosent man
Bob telegraphed from Liberty for
an engine, and connection was
made in ample time, but Mr Owens
says, it is confidently ascerted if
he had failed to arrive in time
he would have been murdered

[page 4]
Such unmanly conduct, we would
scarsely expect from our own
soldiers, and I hope there will
be no repetition of it on the road
I wanted to write you a long
letter this time but you will excuse me
as I have had the headache
all day, it has been a long
time since I have had a spell, but
I suppose for the sake of auld
Lang Syne su I must suffer
a little to day, you must answer
this as soon as you get it, I
want to hear from you badly
if really your regiment
has been ordered to Kentucky or
not. I must say good bye.
I will write again very soon
as I did not answer your letter
fully, in haste yours affectionately
and truly
H. [Hamie?]

[sideways in bottom left margin of page 4]
I suppose
the flowers
have no
you I am turn[?]

MSS 6515

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