Friday, February 17, 2012

1862 February 17 Winchester, Va.

Winchester Virginia February 17th 1862

Dear Pa & Ma

I seat myself once more to let
you know that I am well with the
acception of a cold and I hope these few
lines will finde you and finde you in
good health david got back yesterday
and I got my shirt socks & towel
Pa our horse company failed and I dont know
whether to reinlist or not but if I dont I
am subject to a draft at the end of my time
and if I am drafted I will be drafted for
too years and if I reinlist I have to inlist
for two years and I dont know what to
do I want you to write to me and
tell me what you think best for me
to do two years is along time to go into the
war Pa you have seen the law before
know. it is in the papers. We are under marching
orders we start to-morrow but I dont know
where we will go. I expect we will go to
manassas I want you to write to me I havent
had a letter for two weeks. this is three
letters I have written since I got one from
home I have been looking for a letter
know for better than a week and have
not got it yet. but I reckin you thou
ght as david was cumming you would

[page 2]
not write Pa I want you to write
and let me know your views on the
Subject of reinlistment and give me
all of the news in Russell and tell me
what you think about Russell whether
they will volinteer or not. Pa I have not
any news to write to you I will write
as soon as we get Station So nothing
more but remain your affectionate
son Wm. R. Gilmer

Pa & ma

William R. Gilmer Private, Co. I 37th Virginia
MSS 5194

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