Friday, October 7, 2011

1861 Oct[ober] 8 Fairfax C. H.

My dear John

I have just recd your letter from
Richmond----I recollected soon after you left that I had
omitted to endorse the check as I had intended

"Pay to the order of J A Smith
Cashier [Farmers?] Bank
Philip St Geo Cocke
and I wrote to both Mr Macfarland & Cashier Scott
about it thinking you might have left the check with
one of them--I now however send a power of attorney
to you to endorse the check--as when signing of course
your own name & then have the amt: of the check
entered in yr Bank book--and take the cashiers
receipt for the same to go to the credit of yr acct[?]--
If indeed neither of the notes or papers sent by me
to Mr Macfarland or the cashier will not enabale
one of them to draw the check --So I hope the matter
will be settled --in one of the modes indicated
without further trouble or delay--

Upon inquiry I found it would be next to
impossible in the present crowded state of the rail
road from Culpeper C.H. to Richmond to have
the furniture transported--besides the difficulty of
getting any one to attend to it --even if it could be
transported so I wrote to Mr. Jos. C. Bucklan

[page 2]
asking him to sell all but the house linen, blankets
& such like things which could be packed in a few
boxes & sent to Crenshaw & Co.
Still however if Richd. Kenner or his brother
can make any arrangement for removing the furniture
before Mr. Bucklan proceeds to sell it I hereby
fully authorize him to write to Mr. Bucklan
& stop the sale & go on to pack & move the furniture

& make any disposition he may choose of it for
[?] The proceeds shall be [?] on any
[?] & the house linen I have ordered to be sent
back. But it is important to act promptly
and let the house be vacated which is wanted by
other parties--and the furniture will either have
to be [?] speedily sold or be lost altogether
And I give Richard Kenner or yourself full
power to do as either of you may determine
Mr Bucklan will readily conform to any course
either of you will indicate if you mention your
acting under this letter from me--

Crenshaw & Co write me they have sold the
potatoes at 60 [cent mark] per bushel and the family flour
will probably not bring over $6 If you can sell
the wheat to Haxell & Co at $1 or 110 for white
til Talbott goes to deliver some to that mill as
best can be had--The grinding can continue

[page 3]
I write as you perceive in much haste--You will have
to think and act for the best--I give you full power
I can do little or nothing in connection with our
private business at present--

Tell your mother I have received her letter today
and will write soon. I wrote but a day or two
since--We know nothing as yet as to the
plans of the Military commanders on either
side--Matters remain very much as when
you left--Something will no doubt be
determined before long--

With my love my dear John to all our
dear ones at home and kind regards to the
servants I remain
Yr affectionate father

Philip St. Geo Cocke

Mesr Jno. B. Cocke

P.S. I shall soon be in need of my winter clothing of every
description but not too much of it--Our two servants
tho will want theirs-- It is impossible almost to
get anything by Express or freight trains--Then
two or [?] [?][?] I have written to
Jno N. [?] He might also send me some
good coffee. Should you come on bring the clothing &
other articles from Richmond above mentioned--

MSS 640

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