Dear Sister
yours of the 11st inst reached
me by Mr Crepsley I
Was glad to hear from
you I am well and
doing very well you wrote
that I wrote I could not
get your letter I think you
are mistaken, if I rote that
I dont know it there is no
difficulty in getting letters
I dont need any thing except
I would like to have some
hams if you can spare them
Ben and John D Wants
Some you can send all in
the same box. A quantity of
[page 2]
Onion and Cakes will
bee very exceptable Ben
and John D will [?] for
them any kind of vegetables
you think will keep send
let Pa mark the Box
I told him how to mark
it when he was here it must
bee marked to Capt Dawson
1st Regt Ala Volunteers
Warrenton Fla the Cavelry
had A Brush on the Point
last Week I saw Mr Nall
yesterday he was on the Point
but was not engagined he
said they killed six
if no more prospect for
an Engageinnent is
[page 3]
[?] at the place
some Target shooten at
Pickens yesterday they shot
this way some Sickness
in the Company at this time
three cases of the fearedsome
Measles none Dangerous
Write soon give George
my regards if I dont
Write you may know that
I am Well if I get sick
I Will let you all know
if I Wrote to ma last
sunday I remain your
Brother till death
John M. P[arker]
A John M. Parker is listed in Company G and Company C of the first Alabama Regt. A John M. Parker of Company G is listed as a prisoner at Camp Chase, Ohio, dying there January 29, 1865.
Warrington, Fla., was part of the harbor defenses for Pensacola. The 1st Alahbama surrendered there in April 1862.
MSS 13240
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