My Dear Wife
Your letters were
received and I would say
that there is so little going
on I find it impossible to
write you a very long letter.
Johnny and myself are quite
well and John is still more
satisfied than before. The life
is so different from that
which he has seen that the
variety seems to meet his
fancy. We are still without
a Colonel, but expect soon
to be fully organized having
now nine companies and
expect another company to be
assigned from Reg’t on
to-morrow. We (as soon as the
organization is complete) will be
moved to some point we know
not where, but not to the sea
coast as is rumored there being
other Regt’ ordered to all points –
on the coast where garrisons
should be. It is a general im-
-pression that if the U.S. Congress
does not make peace proposals
we will be sent to Virginia.
We have had several nice rains
which were much needed, as the
crops were suffering, and the at-
mosphere was quite hot. The heat
is not so excessive as when
first I came down.
I attended
the Presbyterian Church yesterday
and heard the Rev Mr. Giradeau
of Charleston. He reminded me
very much of Mr. Ben Palmer.
He urged some very serious
considerations and made each
one thing seriously of those things
necessary to secure happiness in
in after life. The congregation are very
kind to those who attend, and secure
them every attention in their power.
I will probably visit the city to-morrow
or next day and will then procure
the articles. Probably mother will
need the money for board. You may
pay her and I will forward you
money as soon as we receive our
pay, which will be to day or to-mor
row. Would you not like to visit
the city. I would like to have you
get a little Ice cream. Write me
what you think about it. If you
do not get a chance send my
clothes, by express on Thursday. Pay
the freight. Send me the two white
vests, I have at home and send
to sister Libby and ask for the vest
she made for me. Give my love
to all my folks, and reserve a large
portion for yourself.
Ever your affectionate
J.M. Phinney
Pay for the times I was
MSS 12661
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